Also, here is a project on repairing housing that may also serve as a guide:
Dear Tammy, Thank you for contacting Ask an Advisor! As I understand your question, my answer is a resounding YES! We believe the community change models on the The Community Toolbox are applicable to a wide variety of situations that require interacting with and promoting system change. The models are very flexible and are not directly about health - though I am sure you can see how unsafe housing and dis empowered small business owners can affect health. I recommend that you click on the modules listed under "Learn a Skill" starting with Chapter 1 and continuing on to
and paying close attention to these modules:
If/when you find something that seems to fit your applications, look at the Toolkit associated with that chapter. There you will find an outline for constructing a strategy for change that you can fill in for your specific applications. If after reading these you find that you have questions about how to proceed, please feel free to contact us again! Thank you for contacting Ask an Advisor, and good luck with your projects! Ask an Advisor