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Hello, My name is Bianca Jenkins and I am a 3rd year medical student working in a rural community in Michigan. I work in Arenac County in Michigan which as of 2018 has been ranked #80 out of #83 for health rankings by county in Michigan. I am only here for 6 months, but in this time I have seen many health issues. The health issue that has been particularly near and dear to me is their ever increasing opioid epidemic. With that said, I would like to educate the community about the opioid epidemic, how it has affected and affects their community and what they can do to help but I have no idea where to start. I have been looking for statistics specific to Arenac county but since it is a smaller town, there is not much literature besides vague "drug overdose" mortality records. I guess I'm just not sure where to go from here but any advice would be appreciated.
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Building Leadership
Wed, 08/15/2018
Hi! I would like to start a community based fitness/running program for people in recovery. Any suggestions on where to start? Thank you so much!! ❤Krystal
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
Wed, 08/08/2018
What would be ten great questions to ask key influencers about what's important to them , their favorite causes or their thoughts on their community? Assessing Community Needs and Resources Tue, 08/07/2018
Hi I am putting together an event on an extremely limited budget to benefit and promote a non profit organization. How can I ask for help from different companies? (eg. Soliciting that the business supply prizes or water for the event day) And is it appropriate to do so?
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
Fri, 07/27/2018
What are that you dont feel as strong?skilled?
Tue, 07/17/2018
I am doing research on dialogue and participatory leadership and am looking for datasets either qualitative or quantitative to answer the question of impact or efficacy of community conversations/dialogue on social cohesion, identity or health of communities. Would you be able to assist? Evaluating the Initiative Thu, 07/12/2018
How do I cite information from Chapter 8 in APA format? Wed, 07/11/2018
Good Morning, our Siqondimfundo Creche NPO No. 149547 need an assistant for funding our creche is situated at a Rural Area, no funding from the Government yet.How to apply for funding.
our contact number 072 232 0009 / 078 6829 553
Writing a Grant Application for Funding Mon, 07/09/2018
I am a Social Worker. My residents consist of elderly and young disabled. We have a diverse population. Some of the population speak in their native language and those who do not understand feel left out, and visa versa when English is spoken and others do not understand they feel left out - what is your solution to this situation ?
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Enhancing Cultural Competence
Mon, 07/09/2018
Hello Advisor,

I've been looking at your tools on collaboration. Would you be able to direct me to any tools for NFP partnership agreement/MOU templates?

Thank you
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships Thu, 07/05/2018
I am conducting a study aimed at understanding the program and policy priorities of individuals who are eligible for federal food assistance. We are attempting to use a tool called CHAT ( which allows study participants to play a game where they prioritize a set of interventions in the context of limited resources (i.e. many more intervention options than the number of points they have to assign to interventions). The interventions are things like improving the grocery store environment, improving school lunches, etc. The challenge is making sure people who participate understand the interventions and also making the game board streamlined enough so that there are not too many options on the board. What tools are out there to make sure our language is accessible? How can we make sure we are meeting participants where they are in terms of describing interventions? Thanks
Enhancing Cultural Competence Mon, 07/02/2018
Seeking sample job descriptions for coalition facilitator or coalition coordinator.

Thank you
Sustaining the Work or Initiative Thu, 06/28/2018
Dear Sir/Madame,
I am Van Noeurm from Cambodia. I work as a project officer in local organization in my country which is based on Healing and Reconciliation work with victims of torture of genocide and youth engagement in peace process.

At the moment, I am holding an event related to Public Forum on community truth-telling. Having been through this website, I see that Public Forum and Dialogue process is quite similar.

Could you please kindly provide some ideas on how to initiate the public forum as stated above?
Noted: we have survivors of torture from genocide and youth in total around 100 participants, some are from communities and some are from University.

Best regards,

Van Noeurn, Cambodia.
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Advocating for Change
Tue, 06/26/2018
Hi! I am applying for a grant and our primary activity will be to disseminate key findings/best practices. Any advice on how to measure outcomes related to disseminating resources? I'm not sure what the outcome statements would look like or how best to measure. Evaluating the Initiative Tue, 06/26/2018

Can you point me to a tool for measuring the performance of city-schools interagency collaborations? Thank you.
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Evaluating the Initiative
Thu, 06/07/2018
I am facilitating the strategic planning process at a government agency for a youth violence prevention consortium. I have read your "Developing Strategic and Action Plans" documentation and am wondering how I should adapt it to a calendar. I understand the process can take between 3-6 months, and we held our first vision discussion in May. I'd like to know how long it should take so I can prepare the consortium members and staff. Developing Strategic and Action Plans Mon, 06/04/2018
Please i need help on my

I need people from USA to visit it
Thu, 05/31/2018
I am in the process of forming a leadership team (president, treasurer, fundraising, etc.) for a very small community choir that I am a part of. In order to manage our limited funds, we're trying to open a bank account, and I believe we'll need to open a business checking account. In order to do that, however, we have to file the business with the Oklahoma Secretary of State, and we can't decide which would be the best course of action. The trouble is that we don't want to do a DBA bank account, because that would require the director and/or treasurer to claim any income on their personal tax return. Similarly, we don't want to do an LLC or S Corp, because we don't want a flow-through tax model. The other option would be to file as a C Corp, but the problem with that is that the board will be a rotating group of people, with leadership changing every few years--so how do you decide who is an "owner?" Has anyone in your community encountered this before, and if so, what sort of advice could you give us on how to move forward? Thank you! Wed, 05/30/2018
I am conducting a mix ed methods research on impact of permanent public school closures on communities within the south-East of the United States.
Are there database where I can a sample individual experiences?
Analyzing Problems and Goals Tue, 05/22/2018
"Hi All, I have to create an active employee csv file with first 10 fields of job table using App Engine. Please can anyone suggest a sample code, to write selected fields depending on the field position and write to a csv file using PeopleCode? Appreciate your help! Thanks Ganesh." Sun, 05/13/2018
As a fellow participant, I would love to start a PhotoVoice project with a group of young ladies in my community. This project focuses on ladies dealing with obesity, low self esteem and lack of proper support and resources. My dream would be to have them document their journey to getting healthier to inspire others.
I would like to know where can I began to seek fu ding for this much needed project?
Improving Organizational Management and Development Fri, 05/11/2018
participation and advocacy as communication tools for promoting agro value chains in poor cocoa producing communities in Afriica. Advocating for Change Fri, 05/11/2018
I am responsible for drafting a social marketing campaign for a community committee that is tasked with responsibility to assist in management and and protection of a public beach area that is currently being destroyed by overuse and misuse.

I have reviewed the information in the tool kit on social media campaigns but have been unable to find a simple fill in template that I can use to develop one and share it with others.
Sun, 05/06/2018

How do I know which community representatives (in Atlanta, Georgia) to engage for my particular issue? I am in the process of adopting a foster child (that has been with me for 2 years) we should be finalizing this month. This process has opened my eyes to systemic and chronic issues in the foster care system and I really want to help. I would like get involved perhaps providing support to overworked and underpaid social workers and case managers; perhaps providing a resource tool box for families trying caring for foster children Etc. Over the past two years I have consistently been given incomplete/inaccurate information by DFCS as it relates to our process. I have had to extend an abundance of energy trying to care for this amazing special needs child and even MORE energy following up with all the incorrect information from the agency. Honestly, my heart bleeds for all of the children stuck behind the red tape and I just need to know which of my elected officials is directly responsible for this area so that I can bring more awareness and solutions to this important platform.

Thank you
Fri, 05/04/2018
I would like to write a behavioral health planning grant and need someone to provide technical assistance for Rural Health Clinics/Critical Access Hospital's development of behavioral health services. Can you please point me in the right direction? Improving Organizational Management and Development Thu, 05/03/2018
Can a High School teacher require students to present during students scheduled lunch time?or to stay after school to present?

Analyzing Problems and Goals Tue, 05/01/2018
Thanks for the wonderful resource here.

I am a Nigerian with concern for peacebuilding and child development. Recently, I am working on a campaign that targets the juveniles in remand homes. I intend to carry out a value-based counselling and vocational skills training with the kids.

I need support in terms of 'how-to' resources and or curriculum that can be a guide to accomplish this task.

Thanks, as I expect your kind support.
  • Advocating for Change
  • Influencing Policy Development
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
Mon, 04/16/2018
Do you have any information on how to develop a community asset assessment for youth that would identify the current support systems (I.e. family, school, community) or the lack thereof in their lives? Assessing Community Needs and Resources Sun, 04/15/2018
I got some valuable information on "Conducting a Workshop"
However how you I cite in APA format.
Thu, 04/12/2018
Hello - great resource. I am on a coalition of many NGO's and some private entities in the outdoor space. Our issue (and I am helping provide solutions) is how to fund our coalition. We are at a point where the need to fund is changing the coalition (pay to play?). Help! Improving Organizational Management and Development Tue, 04/10/2018
I am a Nurse Practitioner that works for Community Health Services through Northwest Allied Physicians in a Quick Med clinic that provides primary care as well as walk-in needs. I alternate days with another NP but we are the sole providers here. We have a large population that are low-income, underserved, homeless and uninsured or poorly insured. This clinic is very different from the rest of the offices of Northwest Allied Physicians for that reason. I have many patients that are unable to obtain lifesaving equipment such as a nebulizer and glucose monitor because they are unable to afford it or they do not have the mental capability or resources. I wanted to look into writing a grant to obtain these type of necessary medical equipment for patients to use at home to prevent them from having to go to the ER or worse. I do not even know where to begin to start this process or if this is even a feasible option.
I would appreciate any feedback.
Thank you
Improving Organizational Management and Development Sat, 04/07/2018
I am Treasurer for a small 501(c)(3), celebrating our 80th Anniv, 3 yrs nonprofit. We provide workshops, master classes, lunch talks, competitions, scholarships, etc to those studying & entering careers that support primary composer for TV/Film, vid games, live performances, etc; the supporting roles of orchestration, music arranging & adaptation are crucial to a production, but these positions are seldom recognized, credited or appreciated. Our members learn from working professionals, many who are also longtime members, in an environment of mutual support, comraderie, appreciation, with mentorships, etc.
With just one part-time indep.contractor for admin & event planning (who attends all board mtgs!), and part-time website mgr, the few active board members are greatly taxed, physically & financially! We are behind the times, as far as fundraising, promo, development, pr, marketing, with no real donor database or retention techniques & no membership campaign. We have no 'for profit’ counterpart & no Exec Dir, so Board members are continually asked (by the one pd person) to do more, give more, working just to scrape by.
Suffice to say, nobody has proper nonprofit experience, so the same gal who has 'run' our ‘society’ for decades, continues with same methods, old fashioned auctions & methods with our one annual fundraiser, honoring a big name composer/arranger or two, yet we see very little profit due to big expenses, poor management of time & funds, no ‘in kind’ goods or services in place, retail spending, when we should be raising quite a profit, with name people; all smaller events are run the same, just as 30 yrs ago! Nobody is looking into grants or big sponsors, Development, or building a donor database & retention marketing plan or diversity within the board. The Board is very lax & ill informed on nonprofit policy, procedure, protocol. It's exhausting, on top of my own full time job & caretaking of mom!
If we could get funds for a knowledgeable, competent staff; and initiate new methods, we’d be off & running!

My question:
Is there an agency or community resources for someone to speak to the board; perhaps, to make a basic presentation on the importance of diversity, of having all these systems in place; keeping up with & learning from other, successful nonprofits? (Using mobile apps, software system for NP donor database & retention). One agency gave a sales pitch for items we don’t need, so several old time board members have a bad taste in their mouths about new things.
Are there orgs, that might come once to educate our board as to what we may need, where we might look, in order to help us grow into a relevant 21st century society/org that can really be a valuable source to our community & beyond. We did one FB livestream, which was very successful. The one gal we pay, has basically been running the org for 30 yrs, as it started out, more of an elite club for members to gather for lunch & camaraderie.
We have started to introduce many new offerings, events & competitions with the younger members to honor these ‘behind the scenes' positions, indispensable to a production. But, the older members are fighting tooth & nail.
I've read & researched for a year & the old timers don't want to hear about 'slick' marketing techniques, etc. We've lost some of young, new members. So I’d like to have a leading respected community member, or nonprofit advisor reinforce the need to focus on the basics, feedback to our Mission Statement, as we can offer such a unique situation & access to the guys & gals, actually, working in the business!
I'm continuing with the legacy of my father, once involved with this org, and himself, once a wonderful composer. Here's hoping I can get recommendations for the great people in this organization.
Thanks very much!
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Building Leadership
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Sat, 04/07/2018

What do we need for 501c7 status? We want to register our social club under this. What would we form under? LLC? We want chapters and membership globally.
Sustaining the Work or Initiative Thu, 04/05/2018
As a student at St. Mary-of-the-Woods College I am required to complete a Take Action Project of my choosing. I have decided I would like to make a change in my neighborhood by starting a community organization. I'm really not sure where to start and the project requires I have service hours recorded. Do you know of any local resources in Indianapolis, IN that I can reach out to? Thank you!
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Influencing Policy Development
Thu, 04/05/2018
Dear Sir,
I want to make project on a Lord Buddha Temple.
The Project will write for companies for funding. so please advice me how to make it.
Improving Organizational Management and Development Fri, 03/30/2018
Hi, My name is Chris Zurowski and I am currently a student at the Illinois Institute of Technology. I am currently working with a group focussed on designing a program meant to function as a bulwark against massive technological change. We found your community toolbox to be a very useful toolbox and we were looking to potentially add to it with you. With your help, we are looking to ideate on how to lay the groundwork for a Handmade section of the toolbox. This would be a resource where people who have recently lost their jobs (say to McDonalds replacing them with robots) can learn a handmade skill (Woodworking, Knitting, Metalsmithing, etc) to generate a source of income for themselves while looking for a new job, or simply learn a new skill. Is this something you would be interested in talking to us more about, and if so, how would we need to document the information in a way that could be easily transferable to the toolbox?
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Building Leadership
Thu, 03/22/2018
Hi, I live in Dubai and with a few friends we would like to start a mentoring program. We are keen but have no idea how to go about. At the moment we are confused. Can anyone help us how to begin. We want to start really small with just one or 2 underprivileged youths. Also to do any fundraisers or anything monetary is not allowed without proper permissions.
thank you!
Building Leadership Wed, 03/21/2018
My window faces children and young boys using drugs. It's a community room.Playing for Change works there.
I want to help those kids, but don't know how.
Thank you for your time.
Influencing Policy Development Fri, 03/16/2018
I am a Doctorate of Nursing Practice student, and I am working on a foot care innovation (DNP project) that will be implemented this summer. I am working with a public housing agency and conducting the foot care clinics in three of there Hi-Rises. While this is a small project, about 60-90 residents participants the goal is to expand this following this summers pilot project. I have been studying your community tool box, and am required to conduct a readiness assessment. The PHA does not have the financial capacity to allow their staff to undertake a 60-90 minute interview. I was wondering if you would have any recommendations for a shorter community readiness survey. I am considering adapting readiness survey, would that be appropriate? Or do you know of any other surveys related to community health that would be appropriate? Any advice on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  • Building Leadership
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
Mon, 03/12/2018
I am a member of my university's task force on civic engagement, the work of which is based on principles in the Campus Compact 30th Anniversary document. My background is in clinical psychology, although I've gravitated toward critical and community psychology in recent years. My focus within the task force is on relationships with community partners, and I've organized a discussion group of campus and community members to talk about how the university has been doing at civic engagement and how we might improve. I found the tool box by way of teaching community psychology (for the first time this semester) using Kagan et al.'s (2011) textbook. I'd like to make as much use as possible of the task force efforts in improving my university's civic engagement, and am interesting in knowing which parts of the tool box might be most helpful in this regard. Any advice you might be able to provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Enhancing Cultural Competence
  • Influencing Policy Development
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Sun, 03/04/2018
We are interested in learning more about your evaluation tool.
Could you please provide an example of data evaluation.
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
Thu, 03/01/2018
what are media advocacy strategies for the aims to be achieved help pleas Advocating for Change Wed, 02/28/2018
Greetings from the pearl of Africa in uganda. We are a community based organisation with more than thirty years doing community development work in the rural areas of uganda. We have on established paid staff to implement our priority programs. We use volunteers to assist us implement our work. Is it possible to advertise our need for onsite volunteers through your platform? Secondly, is it possible to advertise our need for potential partners who are willing to establish a computer training centre in our community, an optical and dental care centre at our local health unit?
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
Sun, 02/25/2018
Do you have any tips or resources pertaining to tracking/contacting the recently incarcerated population? I'm sure this particular population doesn't want to be reminded that they were previously in prison. But, they are needed to complete a one year follow-up survey with a program that they were involved in when they were incarcerated. Sending letters to the addresses that they provide upon consent (a year ago or longer) simply isn't resulting in participants going online to take a short survey with a $10 gift card incentive. Any suggestions? Increasing Participation and Membership Thu, 02/22/2018
what can be done if a neighbor is preventing a disabled person from exiting an apartment building?
I know of a friend who was not able to exit because a neighbor blocked a door to go outside.
Developing Strategic and Action Plans Thu, 02/22/2018
Do you have any knowledge of a program similar to yours located in Illinois? I am familiar with CEED project, but they are too far from me. I live in Ogle County. I would like to start a program like yours but with a rural area prospective and for low income.
Presently, I am a low income working woman. I have been trying to work with SBDC, economic development offices, rural development, etc for the past four-five years to get started.
Not much movement. I think I don't know the talk to present the idea and make connections to move ahead.

Any sources, connections, or general advice would be appreciated.
I am also looking at Iowa, too
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Developing an Intervention
Wed, 02/21/2018
Where can I find the date this website was published? I really like the information I got and want to use this as a source for my paper. Sun, 02/18/2018
I am in the process of try to form a plan/program for cleaning up my town/community. How would I go about starting. Developing an Intervention Thu, 02/15/2018
what do we mean by policy cycle in community social organization management and how we can form example for this cycle "as written in NGO Management textbook that it encompasses five steps, identifying the issue, policy analysis, policy decision,policy implementation,and policy evaluation"?
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Influencing Policy Development
Tue, 02/06/2018