Resources/ Citations Boothroyd, Paine-Andrews, Fisher, & Ransom (2003). Collie-Akers, V., Landry, S., Ehule, N.J. et al. Enhancing the Capacity of Local Health Departments to Address Birth Equity: The Institute for Equity in Birth Outcomes. Matern Child Health J 25, 1010–1018 (2021). Cornerstone Consulting Group (2002). Eng games: The challenge of sustainability. Baltimore, MD: Annie E. Casey Foundation. Goodman, R.M., Steckler, A., Hoover, S., & Schwartz, R. (1993). A critique of contemporary community health promotion approaches: based on a qualitative review of six programs in Maine. American Journal of Health Promotion, 7, 208-220. Landry, S., Collie-Akers, V., Foster, K. et al. Assessing the Development of Collective Impact Initiatives Addressing Maternal and Child Health. Matern Child Health J 24, 405–411 (2020). Lewis, R. K., A. Paine-Andrews, et al. (1996). "Evaluating the effects of a community coalition's efforts to reduce illegal sales of alcohol and tobacco products to minors." Journal of Community Health 21(6): 429. Merzel, C., & D'Afflitti, J. (2003). Reconsidering community-based health promotion: Promise, performance, and potential. American Journal of Public Health, 93, 557-574. Mittelmark, M.B., Hunt, M.K., Heath, G.W., & Schmid, T.L. (1993). Realistic outcomes: Lessons from community-based research and demonstration programs for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Journal of Public Health Policy, 14, 437-462. Paine-Andrews, A., J. L. Fisher, et al. (2000). Promoting sustainability of community health initiatives: An empirical case study. Shediac-Rizkallah, M.C., & Bone, L.R. (1998). Planning for the sustainability of community-based health programs: Conceptual frameworks and future directions for research, practice, and policy. Health Education Research, 13, 87-108. Sorensen, G., Emmons, K., Hunt, M.K., & Johnston, D. (1998). Implications of the results of community intervention trials. Annual Review of Public Health, 19, 379-416. Thompson, B., Lichtenstein, E., Corbett, K., Nettekoven, L., & Feng, Z. (2000). Durability of tobacco control efforts in the 22 Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation (COMMIT) communities 2 years after the end of intervention. Health Education Research, 15, 353-366.