Healthy People 2020

Community Tool Box: Implementation Supports for Healthy People 2020

The Tool Box is proud to support implementation for Healthy People 2020, which provides national objectives for improving the health of all Americans. Supports from the Community Tool Box are serving as “how-to” information for those working to improve conditions in their states and communities.

Healthy People uses the MAP-IT Process (Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track) as a guide for people looking to implement Healthy People in their community. Click on any phase of the MAP-IT process below to view an overview of that process, as well as resources to support implementation (that’s where the Tool Box comes in!) For example, if you visit Mobilize, you will see how the Community Tool Box provides supports relevant to that process.

Track Implement Plan Assess Mobilize

We’re proud to play this role in supporting these critical efforts to improve the health of Americans, and we hope the Tool Box can be helpful in supporting your efforts, too.

Another example of how the Tool Box has supported implementation is through “mashing up” our Tool Box resources with Unnatural Cause’s call to action. Unnatural Causes is a documentary series exploring racial and socioeconomic inequalities in health. We helped them provide in-depth supports for users wanting to take action on health equity through their Action Center.

Our Tool Box tools were created for people to use them to improve their communities, so we are thrilled when we can serve in this way. We are Creative Commons licensed, and always encourage groups to link to Tool Box resources if it’s helpful. If you are interested in a partnership with the Community Tool Box, contact us at

For more on linking to the Tool Box or using/citing Tool Box materials, visit our usage guidelines.