___You understand that social marketing means to use commercial marketing techniques to try to improve social problems.
___You understand that social marketing helps you reach your target audience.
___You understand that it works.
You understand when you should run a social marketing campaign:
___When you are trying to change the behavior of a large number of people.
___When you are trying to change behavior over a long period of time.
___When you have the resources necessary to manage a comprehensive effort.
You understand how to manage a social marketing campaign:
___You have defined the problem.
___You have defined your goals.
___You have defined your audience.
___You understand your audience.
___You have brainstormed strategies for change.
___You have decided how much time and how many resources you will spend on each of your subgroups.
___You have decided whether to create different strategies for different segments, or just use different messages and mediums.
___You have chosen specific strategies with measurable objectives.
___You have designed messages appropriate to different groups.
___You have selected channels of communication.
___You have pretested your ideas and messages.
___You have established a tracking system.
___You are continuously modifying your work based on results.
___You have celebrated your accomplishments!