Chapter 6. | Section 16.

Section 16. Creating a Website

Tool #1: URL's for Internet terminology glossaries and dictionaries

Confused about all the lingo and techno-speak associated with all this Internet and WWW stuff? Check out some of these online glossaries and dictionaries:

Matisse's Glossary of Internet Terms
NetLingo Online Dictionary
Glossary of Graphic Design and Web Page Design Terms

Tool #2: URL's for information on HTML and page design

When you're just starting out, these are some of the best sites on HTML basics :

Once you have the basics down, you might move on to these sites:

Tool #3: URL's for information on web accessibility

Tool #4: URL's for sites that have information on web hosting providers

The following sites are directories of web hosting services:

The following sites have information on free web hosting services that cater to nonprofit organizations:

Tool #5: URL's for information on adding your site to search engines

If you want your site to come up when people do web searches, you have to take into consideration the fact that there are a great many search engines out there . To reach the greatest number of potential visitors to your site, register with as many as you can. Be sure to update your entries as well, when necessary (e.g. your main URL changes or the name of your site or organization changes).

In addition to the above individual pages for registering your site with search engines, there are several companies that will register your site with multiple search engines for free:


Tool #6: URL's for information on what NOT to do with your site

Once you have the basics of HTML down and you've started building your site, how do you keep it from being ugly, unwieldy, and just downright unpleasant for people to visit? There are several sites and pages on what not to do with your website that can help you design a more attractive and user-friendly site.

Vincent Flanders--Web Pages That Suck
Top 10 Mistakes in Web Design
The Top 15 Mistakes of First Time Web Design