Supports 1. Identify the composition of the ideal leadership team. The group has specified (in the bylaws if appropriate) the appropriate number of leaders, including board members and staff positions, necessary to support the current efforts of the group. The board is inclusive as evidenced by the majority of the board members having diverse skills, experience, background, interest, or professional expertise. Staff leadership is inclusive as evidenced by the majority of staff members having diverse and complementary skills, experience, background, interest, or professional expertise. Current leadership including board members and staff have sufficient skills, experience, and professional expertise appropriate to support the initiative at its current stage of development. Current leadership including board members and staff have sufficient resources and supports to lead the organization. The group regularly assesses the composition of the leadership team, including the board, staff, identifies and recruits leaders based on the identified needs of the leadership team Core Supports: Orienting Ideas in Leadership Developing a Plan for Building Leadership Styles of Leadership Building Teams: Broadening the Base for Leadership Recognizing the Challenges of Leadership 2. Recruit new leaders to the leadership team. The group has identified the core leadership tasks and related skills necessary to support the initiative. The group regularly assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the current leadership team including the board and staff to identify and recruit leaders based on the identified needs of the leadership team. When recruiting new leaders, including both board and staff, the leadership skills of potential leaders are matched with the skills needed for the activities that the group has to conduct. The group has a formal process for recruiting, identifying, nominating, and selecting new leaders to the board and staff. Core Supports: Orienting Ideas in Leadership Servant Leadership: Accepting and Maintaining the Call of Service Building Teams: Broadening the Base for Leadership Recognizing the Challenges of Leadership Encouraging Leadership Development across the Life Span Collaborative Leadership 3. Develop a plan for leadership development. The group has a written plan to support the development of leadership within the group, including both the board and staff. The group has written goals for leadership development to support diverse leadership within the group. Key leaders including staff and board officers regularly assess their leadership skills and develop individual leadership goals and plans to support the initiative. The group has written goals for leadership development to enhance the skills and expertise of the leadership team. Core Supports: Orienting Ideas in Leadership Developing a Community Leadership Corps: A Model for Service-Learning Ethical Leadership Collaborative Leadership Core Functions in Leadership 4. Identify methods to support leadership development goals. The group regularly reviews and identifies appropriate methods for supporting leadership development goals. Board members have ongoing opportunities to regularly participate in trainings, workshops, or other methods to improve their skills to enhance the initiative. All staff have ongoing opportunities to regularly participate in trainings, workshops, or other methods to appropriately improve their skills to enhance the initiative. Volunteers have ongoing opportunities to regularly participate in trainings, workshops, or other methods to appropriately improve their skills to enhance the initiative. The group allocates and sets aside resources in the budget to support leadership development. New members of the group including board members, staff, and volunteers receive appropriate training and an orientation to the initiative. The current leadership team, including board and staff, is committed to working together. Core Supports: Our Model for Community Change and Improvement Working Together for Healthier Communities: A Framework for Collaboration among Community Partnerships, Support Organizations, and Funders Core Functions in Leadership 5. Support a great leadership team. The group collaborates and shares risks, resources, responsibilities, and rewards. Leaders are able to guide important processes and act as facilitators. All leaders including the board and staff have clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and expectations for leading in the group. Leaders including board, staff, and volunteers, are regularly recognized and rewarded for their contributions to the initiative. The group was able to effectively identify, respond, and adapt to new or important situations. Leadership, including both the board and staff, was able to connect the group to appropriate resources. Core Supports: Becoming an Effective Manager Group Facilitation and Problem-Solving