Chapter 2. | Section 5.

Section 5. Collective Impact

Example #1: Early Wins in Early Childhood - A Case Study in Seeding Systems Change

Cover of "Early Wins in Early Childhood - A Case Study in Seeding Systems Change."

Southeast Virginia has long been home to numerous early care and education programs. However, operating traditionally in silos, these programs were not seeing the results they desired.

In 2016, Hampton Roads Community Foundation initiated a region-wide process involving nearly 100 stakeholders to scope and plan Minus 9 to 5, an initiative designed to unite previously disparate programs and people together for greater impact through systems change. This case study details the opportunities, highlights, and lessons learned in the first two years of the initiative. Read more from FSG Reimagining Social Change.

Example #2: Collective impact in different fields or domains:

In education

In public health

In addressing homelessness

In youth development

In economic/urban development

In community development

In addressing environmental issues

Example #3: How collective impact is being used to solve homelessness:

Collective Impact Forum | Podcast on Spotify

The Collective Impact Forum's September 18th, 2023 podcast covers how complex issues such as homelessness can feel unsolvable or intractable, but that through a commitment to a collective approach and strategies, communities can end homelessness.

Speaking with Community Solutions' (a nonprofit that is dedicated to ending homelessness) president Rosanne Haggerty, the program Built for Zero is discussed, which is a program network of more than 100 cities and counties working to ensure that homelessness can be rare or brief in their regions.