Chapter 19. | Section 1.

Section 1. Criteria for Choosing Promising Practices and Community Interventions

Tool: A Self-Assessment to Help You Find and Choose Promising Practices

Starting the search

Answering these questions will help start your search for the best promising practice for your community.

  • What is the broad area of interest (e.g., health promotion, independent living )?
  • What specific problem are you working on (e.g., substance use, obesity)?
  • What population will benefit from your effort (e.g., Hispanics, youth, rural groups)
  • What type of intervention or community change (i.e., change in program, policy, or practice) are you seeking? Is it listed in your strategic plan?
  • In what sector of the community will this take place (e.g., business, youth groups, churches)?
  • Are you interested in a targeting an intervention at a high-risk group or a comprehensive approach, or both?

Choosing your approach

Answering these questions will help you choose the best promising practice for your community.

  • Does the promising practice meet all of the criteria set by your search?
  • Some programs can be complicated, which means an organization that can support the effort is needed. Are there organizations in your community that can support the effort? If not, can you create such an organization?
  • What is the evidence that the promising practice will have some impact?
  • Will you be able to replicate the practice? If not, how will you modify it for your community?
  • What resources do you have or will you be able to generate to support the practice? Will a pared back version satisfy your needs?
  • Is the practice compatible with your community's beliefs, attitudes and values (e.g., will your community support condom distribution)?
  • Have you looked at different versions of the practice in the examples and stories provided in the Community Tool Box or in other resources? Have you contacted others who have implemented the practice?
  • How will this promising practice work for you? What would make it a success for your community?