___You understand that a survey is a way of collecting information that you hope represents the views of the whole community or group in which you are interested ___You understand what case study surveys are and why you might choose to use them ___You understand what sampled surveys are and why you might choose to use them ___You understand what census surveys are and why you might choose to use them ___You understand and have considered the reasons why you might want to conduct a survey ___You have determined whether this is a good time to conduct a survey ___You have weighed the pros and cons of doing a written survey ___You have decided on the purpose of your survey ___You have decided whom you will survey ___You have decided whether you will use sampling and, if so, what kind of sampling you will use ___You have given thought to any other potential pitfalls ___You have decided what method you will use to collect your survey data ___You have determined how long your survey should be ___You understand the differences between open-ended, closed-ended, have written your questions, multiple choice, and Likert scale questions ___You understand the Total Design Method ___You have written your survey ___You have made sure your survey works the way you want it to by trying it out on a few members of the population you're aiming at ___You understand the different ways of distributing a survey, and you are familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of each method ___You have chosen a method to distribute your survey ___You have distributed your survey, following the steps given for whatever method of distribution you chose ___You have gathered incoming surveys collected at participating sites ___You have reviewed returned surveys, checking for any that are incomplete ___You secured a larger return, if necessary ___You have figured out the results of your survey and written up a report on the outcome ___You have shared this information with your staff and gotten their feedback ___You have decided what to do with your results