___You understand what constitutes a community.
___You understand what a collaborative partnership is and how powerful it can be.
___You know what community capacity is.
___You know that the key partners in a broad collaboration should include:
- Local members of community partnerships
- Support organizations
- Grantmakers and governmental agencies
___You understand the context in which people in the community act.
___You have decided to move forward with collaborative planning in order to bring people and organizations with different experiences and resources together.
___A mission statement that tells what your organization is going to do and why has been established.
___Through action planning, specific changes in the community have been identified and related action steps have been taken to bring them about.
___A strong leader for the organization is in place.
___You have community mobilizers who have started the ball rolling on actions that your group has decided to take.
___The groups efforts and results have been documented to know whether a difference is being made.
___You understand the ten recommendations for promoting community health and development.