Chapter 6. | Section 8.

Section 8. Arranging a Press Conference

Sample Press Advisory

Community Task Force on Homes for Children
2170 Pacific Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 563-8109

For further information contact:
Jim Smith, Assistant Director
555-1313 office, home 903-9898

Press Advisory

Impact of Crack Epidemic on Foster Care

  • In California the number of children in foster care increased by 28%, from 49,978 to 63,987, between 1995-1997 (Including status offenders and juveniles).*
  • In the Bay Area, the average number of children in foster care increased 36%, from 6,843 to 9,271, between 1995-1997*
  • In San Francisco 77% of children entering foster care today are doing so as a result of the crack epidemic.**

* Source: California Department of Social Services, Foster Care Information System

**Source: San Francisco Chronicle

To discuss the critical need for foster families exacerbated by the crack epidemic, child neglect and abuse, The Community Task Force on homes for Children invites you to a Press Conference:

DATE: Tuesday, April 15, 1997

TIME: 11:00 a.m.

PLACE: Children's Home Society, 3000 California Avenue, (415) 922-2803 (Marsha Adams)


Joe Black, Chief, California Department of Social Services, Adoptions Branch

Dr. Kathy Young, Asst. Clinical Prof. of Pediatrics, UCSF and Attending Neonatologist, at UCSF and Mt. Zion

Helen Thompson, Alameda Department of Social Services, Asst. Agency Director

James King, Foster Parent, San Mateo


David Klein, Chair, The Community Task Force on Homes for Children

The purpose of this news conference is to alert the press to the foster care crisis in 1997. The press conference will include the statistical, medical, and social service aspects of the issue as well as the personal perspectives of foster parents. 


Eric Wadud