Tool 1: "Icebreaker" activities This activity was suggested by Lisa Rasor, Former Director of Volunteer Training at Headquarters Counseling Center, Lawrence, KS Forced choice exercise In this exercise, the facilitator puts signs in three different parts of the room. The facilitator will ask the trainees if they would consider themselves a listener, a talker, or a doer. Those are the only three choices, so it's a forced decision -- you have to choose one of those areas. Sometimes, trainees might say, "Well I can be any of those." But, they still have to choose just one possibility. The groups that gather in the different areas will talk about why they chose that area over the other ones. The participants may be surprised to find that they have much in common with the other trainees. Additional forced choice questions include: Do you consider yourself compassionate, just, or philosophical? Are you a realist, an optimist, or a dreamer? Are you punctual, serious, or spontaneous? Do you consider yourself adventurous, creative, or idealistic? Tool 2: Lesson plan form This form can be copied and filled out with your own lesson plans. A completed version can be found under Examples. Lesson ___________________________________: Date: Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson, trainees will: Information and activities: Activity Explanation Time Materials needed Tool 3: Trainee evaluation form Trainee Evaluation Form In the interest of anonymity, we ask that you do NOT put your name on this form. Training Session Title: Session Presenter/Facilitator: Date: On a scale of 1--5, with 5 being most useful, how useful did you find this information? 1 2 3 4 5 On a scale of 1--5, with 5 being excellent, how well presented was this session? 1 2 3 4 5 What did you like most about this training session? What did you like least about this training session? What would you change about the training session?