1. Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships

This toolkit provides guidance for creating a partnership among different organizations to address a common goal.

The North Quabbin area of central Massachusetts comprises nine towns with a total population of under 25,000. Three are industrial-mill towns from which the mills are in the process of disappearing.

Some coalitions are born of a crisis. Others, like EQUAL (the East Quabbin Alliance), in Barre, Massachusetts, are created by a desire to make long-term improvements in a community.

AbilityLinks, established to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities, works to increase awareness of the value of hiring people with disabilities.

The WISEWOMAN program collaborated with Tobacco Free Nebraska and the Comprehensive Cancer Control Program to host a series of conferences.

The town of Zawtar El-Charkiyeh (ZeC) is spread on a hill overlooking the Litani River from the north, in the province of Nabatiyeh, South Lebanon.

In Ashland, California, cross-sector partnerships between community development, public health, and city government are building community and reinvesting in housing.

For decades, the tobacco industry has used menthol as a tool to disguise the harsh effects of cigarette smoke and to lure young people into becoming smokers.

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