This toolkit helps in analyzing personal and environmental factors that influence the problem to be addressed.
Teen pregnancy is a serious problem in Hillsboro. In our community, 7.6 in 100 girls between the ages of 15-19 becomes pregnant - which is more than 50% higher than the national average (51 per 1000 15-19 year-olds).
The use of tobacco and tobacco related products is a growing trend among U.S. adolescents. More than 4 million American adolescents currently smoke.
Within our Latino community, more than 50% of adults have untreated dental decay and significantly fewer of our children have dental sealants to protect their teeth than the national average.
The goal of the Mammography Access Project is to increase the rates of mammography screening among women with mobility disabilities.
Around the world many adults and children are affected by parasitic worm infections. About 400 million school-age children are affected.
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious, airborne disease that is caused by strains of mycobacteria. Most TB infections remain inactive; only about 10% become active.
La respuesta publica de Covid-19 ha tenido consecuencias no deseadas, especialmente para las poblaciones vulnerables como aquellas de bajos recursos y minorías étnicas y raciales.
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