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We are a national non-profit - that supports a network of volunteers resource groups around the US - typically one per state, but sometimes more depending on geography. A few of our groups are very active - regular meetings and activities - social outings, education & awareness events and fundraising events. Most are groups in name only and consistently struggle to get momentum. We try to help by contacting potential members that we know whenever the group leaders organize an activity,but they are often discouraged by the low turnout/lack of interest. I am concerned that the model we use - an expectation for face-to-face meetings or social activities yearly at minimum plus a willingness to take on educational &/or fundraising events is not realistic in today's world and that we are essentially setting up volunteers who are initially excited and enthusiastic to fail. The fact that there is often only one group per state is also a factor. My question - are you familiar with other npo's with a volunteer chapter network that is working effectively? We are planning a series of online leadership training seminars this year, but I want to be much clearer about if we are promoting the right model. Thanks!

A first step might be to concretely determine what you need from volunteers and also asking volunteers what they want to do. There are lots more good ideas about volunteers on the Community Toolbox at The issues you outline are common for many organizations. Habitat for Humanity has a webbase way of working with volunteers that is worth a look.

Question Date: Thu, 03/12/2009