Hi Joseph,
Thanks for your email. You're certainly not alone in wanting advice about resource development and fundraising. This is one of the more difficult aspects of doing good work: finding the resources to continue doing it. There are a couple of places to start on the Community Tool Box:
Chapter 42: Getting Grants and Financial Resources/en/table-of-contents/finances/grants-and-financial-res...
This chapter covers a wide array of potential strategies for finding the right kind of funding and ways to help you plan it. One part of that chapter is also the "Writing a Grant Application for Funding" Toolkit, which also has a list of potential funders linked in Part 3/en/writing-grant-application
Since each organization is working within a different context, there's no one-size-fits-all way to go about getting the resources you need. Sometimes, it just takes some patient internet research to find the right funder to contact. When you do find that right funder, however, it helps to know how to put into words (email/letter/application) what your organization does and why that funder should send you the funds you need. That's why it helps to look at some of the Toolbox resources available here.
I hope this helps. Thanks again for your note and best of luck!