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Hello! I am Joe Shepherd and I work for Floyd County Public Library in New Albany, IN. I recently came on board as a customer service liaison, but I am working on my Master's in Social Work, while working on social service projects for the library. I am full time, part customer service and part social service outreach. Currently, I am trying to develop a diversity training for our staff. When I started working here, I've heard how some staff refer to certain patrons based on their socioeconomic status (we have several homeless patrons,) other races (on mentioned a Chinese woman), and individuals that have mental health conditions (one staff member described a man that has some form of psychosis.) They do not realize how they are speaking about these individuals. So I would like to incorporate unconscious bias training into diversity training. I've used the community toolbox when I was working on a needs assessment for a local non profit and I love the diversity section, but I do have questions. How can I tie in implicit bias with the diversity? I have looked for several resources but I am having trouble finding some that are still relevant or do not have broken links (or pages that have been taken down). Any little bit of information will help! Thanks!

Dear Joe,
your interest in managing cultural diversities are really valuable. Such an issue is at the base of our work as community psychologists.
In the Community Tool Box, I suggest the whole Chapter 27. “Cultural Competence in a Multicultural World”, and, in particular,  Section 2. “Building Relationships with People from Different Cultures”, the Main Section and the related Tools
I find of interest also Section 4. “Strategies and Activities for Reducing Racial Prejudice and Racism”, where, as a tool, there is a PowerPoint presentation, very useful, which may be uploaded, on the page
I suggest you as well Section 7. “Building Culturally Competent Organizations”, and its Tools
In each Main Section, Print Resources are indicated, so you can – if you want – analyze thoroughly the matter with further readings.
Many compliments for your awareness and sensitiveness and many wishes for your work!

Question Date: Thu, 01/23/2020