Hi Jennifer,
Welcome to the Community Tool Box (CTB) and Ask an Advisor, we’re very glad you chose to visit us and for your question. I have to chuckle a little because you’re the fourth person during my present tenure as an advisor to ask about citing CTB material which tells me that the CTB is being put to very good use, so thank you for that!
If you are looking to cite CTB material, APA style citations usually include the author, the publication date, the title of the page or article, and the URL. If there is no author, start the citation with the title of the article. If the page is likely to change over time, add a retrieval date. The 7th edition of the APA manual recommends linking directly to the specific article. It also omits the words “Retrieved from.” For example: Center for Community Health and Development. (n.d.). Chapter 3, Section 10: Conducting Concerns Surveys. University of Kansas. Retrieved January 2, 2020, from the Community Tool Box: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-and-resources/conduct-concerns-surveys/main.
I hope that helps you out Jennifer, if not, do revisit the CTB and Ask an Advisor and I’ll try to get it sorted for you. With that, thank you for visiting the CTB, for your question, and most important for using CTB material. On behalf of the CTB I wish the best of success in your graduate studies and in your community building endeavors.
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