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What strategies to establish and to proactively initiate relationship with professional networking with community organisations?
Sat, 03/18/2017
I am a Life Coach and Wedding Officiant
I have three wonderful people who are willing to support me to turn my company into a nonprofit. Our mission is to be a charitable online service to provide free services to those who cannot afford payment but at the same time develop a fee for service policy for those who can.
Allowing us the opportunity to serve people who live here in Michigan properly.

Please help me out. I need someone to talk me through the steps and answer my questions. Can you recommend someone who will take the time to mentor me through this process?

I read information on your platforms but have a difficult time understanding how it applies to what we seek to accomplish...
Fri, 03/17/2017
Thank you for the information i have just read about multinational Cultural Collaboration.I already created a cultural corner at Kenya National Library Service Nakuru Branch.Kindly assist me to know how we can partner or work together in this area of knowledge and if i can get a sponsor to assist me make my dreams come true.
Wed, 03/15/2017
can l use the swot for personal development Wed, 03/15/2017
Hi, I am starting an initiative called Taking The Tomboys Off The Streets as it has been observed that alot of tomboys here in Nigeria are either thugs or into illegal activities. Most of them are drop outs and are into drugs. I have started doing the writing but I am working on a proposal for a grant and I seem stalled as I have not got involved in any social campaign before. Please what do I do?
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
Tue, 03/14/2017

We're a UK based community group. Our local county council won't buy us expensive traffic calming measures. It says that if it did that for everybody, it would run out of money. Well, OK.

But, alarmingly, it explains that the communities with the most dead traffic victims can have traffic measures. We don't like that and we don't want to die in order to become eligible for a mini roundabout. Accordingly, I've drawn a rather childish picture of a roundabout with a pile of dead bodies beside it, and I've written Council Policy underneath it. I would like to get it made into a poster on computer and have made phonecalls and emails, but, so far, no luck.

Advocating for Change Mon, 03/13/2017
hello please what is the ISSUE and CONCLUSION in this article , i seem confused about it


Every single parent in Egypt is suffering this year. Whether they chose a national or international school for their kids, fees have skyrocketed in the past few months. Everyone has been filing complaints against schools’ illogical and sudden changes. No one sees any kind of legal monitoring and it is extremely disturbing.

Egyptian parents had hopes for the newly appointed Minister of Education, Tarek Shawki, but in his latest meeting, his remarks on the cost of education came across as disconnected from the reality many parents are facing.

Shawki addressed the rise in international school fees and how parents are reacting to it. He explained that in any developed country, some products and services cost more than others, based on what they offer the consumer. So, if you target a school that offers good quality of education, it would only make sense for it to cost more. Shawki also added that “no one forced parents to choose such schools.”

In reality, Egyptian families are kind of forced to choose expensive schools as what national schools offer is inadequate. Parents chose expensive schools willingly, but have lately been shocked with an over 50 percent increase in fees, even though in most schools the teaching staff are Egyptians, who are not paid in dollars. Just because a parent could afford an EGP 40,000 school (about $2,500), it doesn’t mean they can upgrade their budget to EGP 70,000 per year ($4,450).

Egypt's public education system is beset with problems including budget shortages, overcrowded classrooms, and poor levels of instruction. Particularly in poor or rural areas, enrollment in secondary education drops to about 60 percent, according to UNICEF.

Yet, on a more positive end, Youm7 claimed that Shawki plans on forcing schools to deduct the applications’ cost from the total school fees. Another matter that has been stressing parents is the $64 application as it basically means the parents lost money if their child doesn’t pass the assessment.
Thu, 03/09/2017
Hello, I am in school for social work and am working on a group lobbying/ advocacy project. The topic is mental health, and we need to find a federal bill and advocate for or reform the bill. Then make a power point presentation/ memo brief and meet with one of our state representatives. I am feeling overwhelmed because there are many bills regarding mental health. We have pin pointed supportive housing or lack of as well as inspections to ensure sanitary standards are being maintained. 1. What bill would best meet our needs? 2. if the issue is accounability, how do we address that?
Assessing Community Needs and Resources Thu, 03/09/2017
I am in need to state my geographical area. May sound strange but my organization helps a very large diverse community. How does one answer the geographical area question?
Wed, 03/08/2017
I am from a community in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria that is currently under siege by militant agitators. Their activities have negatively impacted on the health care, environment and educational development of the area.
My question is what strategies can one deploy in getting manageable health care support, creation of a friendly environment and sustainable education to the community amongst other social/ economic needs. It's pretty sad to see your community being stagnated in poverty, economic activities shut down, pupils dropping out of schools, environments being devastated with hydrocarbon pollutants, inaccessible Medicare etc.
Tue, 03/07/2017

I am currently at an initialization stage of my NGO, about to be registered. I need candid advice on how to go about the proposal writing.

About the Organization.

The prospective name is TorchAfrica Organization, and what we look to doing is detailed documentaries in rural communities that need urgent attention by the government, other NGOs, civil groups and international communities. It aims to serve as a platform for having the poor voices to be heard.

Where i encounter difficulties is in crafting out the whole idea on paper. How and Why?

Unlike a business, i have noticed that most proposal found online are for grants (although very useful). But non talks about the legal framework and other contents needed for in-house i.e the members of the NGO. i will appreciate if you can put me through.

Developing Strategic and Action Plans Sat, 02/25/2017
what is the 8 p's

Tue, 02/21/2017
Hello, I am assisting a professor in a class who would like to show the students some data on educational interventions in the community. They are creating interventions related to health or education with community partners. The professor wants data showing: What has worked? What has not? Are there identified barriers or solutions?

I referred them to your Database of Best Practices page, but wondered if you know of anything beyond this page?
Mon, 02/20/2017
I am trying to develop a curriculum for new board members for my organization about the purpose of a board, what a board does, and how a board works. Due to the nature of our organization, many of our board members are community members rather than professionals , so we are looking for a curriculum that has family friendly language that is easy to follow. Is it alright to use the verbiage from the community tool box articles for this curriculum? Are there any other resources that I could use for this project?
Fri, 02/17/2017
Buenas tardes, me llamo Aida y soy de Rio gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Mi consulta sería sobre los adolescentes. Existe algún tipo de experiencia sobre Tribus urbanas que han tomado un sector de la ciudad como propiedad y que se hayan podido mitigar de alguna manera? Quisiera saber las medidas tomadas; y si es buena idea que desde este mismo lugar (donde se asentaron) se puede trabajar con profesionales que quieran ayudar de alguna manera ofreciéndoles diferentes actividades que puedan motivarlos a cambiar de conducta y costumbres? como por ejemplo deportes, oficios, actividades recreativas, etc..Desde ya muchas gracias y Saludos.
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Influencing Policy Development
Tue, 02/14/2017
I am so confused.... My granddaughter and I started a drive called Blankets Across Charlotte and I have an EIN number provided by the IRS, I am having trouble understanding if I can qualify for an 501c3 so I am able to request donations from companies.
Mon, 02/13/2017
What do you do for a loved family member in chronic pain depression angry people who will not reach out for help?
Mon, 02/13/2017
I would like to be involved actively in community development in Kenya. Are there running programs that I can be a part of?
Mon, 02/13/2017
Do you assist like monitory assistance to community affected by high flood? Mon, 02/13/2017
Examples of stakeholders and their interests
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Advocating for Change
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Sat, 02/11/2017
I am a SVDP volunteer in a college town of 70,000 people. Answer helpline & assist poor with rent & utility assistance, food, clothing. want to implement some type of Systemic change project, but do not know where to start on such a small scale. we have limited resources and people. can you suggest a starting place. thank you
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Advocating for Change
Sat, 02/11/2017
Hello i found this site very interesting and useful for global sanity and sustainability. Please how can i have printed copies of all your your books and other printed materials even if it require paying for it. I bet you you wont believe how much beauty or how tremendous your initiatives change the world. thanks and i love you all.
Wed, 02/08/2017

I am working on figuring out how to integrate my organization's grassroots community organizing work with it's tendency to chase social movements that spur. I am not sure how to balance mass mobilization with long-term engagement in a way that achieves outcomes for both approaches and dignifies the long-time activist who maintain our volunteer leadership structures. Would love any advice you may have.
  • Building Leadership
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
Tue, 02/07/2017
How can I help my community to learn that the Liberal views are the one true way? I know this needs to be spread into the USA. And I think that your program could help facilitate this ideal. Thanks!
  • Influencing Policy Development
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
Tue, 02/07/2017
I would like to adapt a survey to assess coalition partners about the communities they serve. Can you suggest any such tool?
Implementing a Social Marketing Effort Fri, 02/03/2017
Is it necessary to have approval of the members in order to have a CPA audit
of the Association funds or can the President call for the CPA with Bord approval?
Thu, 02/02/2017

I'm conducting some research for Building Resilient Neighbourhoods. BRN ( is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building resilient neighbourhoods in Victoria BC. We are conducting an update and revision of our Resilient Streets Toolkit ( ). The Toolkit includes “Inspiring Examples” from Canada and around the world of small groups of immediate neighbours collaborating in projects and activities on their street or in their buildings to help build resilience in their lives, homes, streets and neighbourhoods.

We’re having difficulty finding examples of things that neighbours can do to make sure that their block or building is friendly and inclusive for people of different cultures and races, people who have a disability, or who identify as part of the LGBTQ community. I’ve taken a look through your website and see that you have some incredible resources about how to build inclusive communities. I’m wondering if you know any initiatives undertaken by neighbours to create inclusivity at the street level. What we’re after here are examples that feel attainable for individuals working with a small group of their immediate neighbours. We’re especially looking for examples that include how-to guides, or that give a step-by-step explanation of how an initiative took shape. Examples might be reading groups, discussion groups, building parties to create accessible infrastructure, inclusive neighbourhood dinners or potlucks, instances where members or advocates of a minority group reached out to their neighbours to educate and/or connect with them, or anything else you think might qualify.

Anything you could offer would be greatly appreciated, including contacts for other organizations you think might be helpful.

Thank you so much!

Thu, 02/02/2017
I am a Masters student of Public Health. I am interested in researching on Impact of HIV/AIDS Preventive Intervensions on Socio-economical Development in Low and Middle income countries - Meta-Analysis. Kindly advise me on the following;
(i) How do I prepare my research Proposal based on this area of interest. What should I capture in the Introduction - Background Information.
(ii) Results and Discusion
(iii) Analysis of Results
I will be grateful for your Prompt response.
Thank you in advance.
Eshirera Johnstone
Thu, 02/02/2017
Hi, I am a social worker at a family medicine center. I am looking for tools on assessing and improving communication, and morale. Can you please recommend a good tool that would allow me to assess these areas of improvement. Thank you in advance.
Wed, 02/01/2017
I tried to submit to the guest book but after several attempts, I gave up. Kept receiving error messages: {Fatal error: Call to undefined method Mailchimp\Mailchimp::listSubscribe() in /home/ctb/public_html/sites/all/modules/webform_mailchimp/webform_mailchimp.module on line 141} That's not good...
Wed, 02/01/2017
I am a new employee at a NGO, as the Project Coordinator. My organization provides humanitarian services to underprivileged persons in Southeast Asia.

I was employed to bring operations to a higher standard, as we lack the proper tools and systems in project design and implementation. Most processes are carried out informally.

I am asked to create a Needs Assessment for the literacy teachers to use when they go out in the community to assess needs. I am having difficulty formulating the exact questions that are appropriate. Any advise on this? Also, I was requested to create an evaluation system for the various projects, such as the schools or the Water Wells built. Could you give some guidance on how to create this evaluation system and possible questions to be included in the evaluation?

Thank you.
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
Mon, 01/30/2017
Do you have examples of healthy communities? If so, what are their names? Also, resources make a community healthy? This would be very helpful as to know what unhealthy communities need to be healthy
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Advocating for Change
Sat, 01/28/2017
