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Analyzing Problems and Goals
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Building Leadership
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Increasing Participation and Membership
Developing an Intervention
Influencing Policy Development
Advocating for Change
Enhancing Cultural Competence
Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
Evaluating the Initiative
Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Improving Organizational Management and Development
Writing a Grant Application for Funding
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Core Competency
Dear Team,
I recently established a Non-profit organization and I am trying to learn writing a proposal. Recently, I was asked to submit a Grant Proposal and I have been working on it until I stumble to your website.
My organization is called Life Wells Foundation. Its objective is to improve the lives of all Ethiopians by bringing safe, clean water sources to remote villages.
My Question to you is, would you help me review my proposal? Will anyone in your group willing to volunteer to help me write a proposal?
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Writing a Grant Application for Funding
Mon, 07/20/2015
A public hearing is being held by a developer regarding an apartment complex to be built right next to me and I want to attend to oppose their plans. What can I do? They've given only one week notice.
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Mon, 07/20/2015
what are some familiar questions asked during the evaluation of a public health program employees.
Building Leadership
Improving Organizational Management and Development
Mon, 07/20/2015
My name is Eric Benjamin. I am conducting this interview to evaluate how your organization uses strategic planning to address public health issues. The purpose of this interview is to enable me better understand how the art and science of planning should be embedded in the culture of public health practice in relation to addressing my final project public health problem. Please I will appreciate if the response to the following questions or better still the get an email or phone contact of a public health administrator to call and discuss the same questions.
1.How do you conduct a strategic planning process?
2.Who are the key individuals involved in the process?
3.Describe how decision making and resource allocation are important to managing your strategic planning process.
4. What you do you think are best practices for strategic planning?
5.Do you have any suggestions and advice for someone new to the strategic planning process?
Thank you in anticipation.
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Thu, 07/16/2015
Do you have any recommendations for tools to use in starting a school based health center in a high school community that is experiencing economic hardship? I'm thinking how to orient parents, educators, and residents at large to services available? Also, wanting to start at Health Club and looking for tips on engaging students. Thanks.
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Analyzing Problems and Goals
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Thu, 07/09/2015
We have a problem in our community with educational attainment. Roughly 40% of 18-24 year olds in our community do not go on to college. 35% of them have no high school diploma. What can we do to get started to implement a Degrees Matter program. I don't know where to start. At first I wrote a 15 minute speech citing statistics of education attainment and median household income compared to similar small towns doing a lot better job of encouraging education. I thought funding a better library program would be a great place to start but after speaking with the library director she said that we didn't need to make improvements as funding is already coming in that respect.
I want this community to do better than being known as the infamous prison town that it is. With a median household income of about 39000.
Thank you for your help.
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Increasing Participation and Membership
Mon, 07/06/2015
I am a graduate student that would like to use some of the information in section 8 titled "identifying and analyzing stakeholders and their interests". How do I properly cite the information from your website? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Increasing Participation and Membership
Mon, 07/06/2015
Dear Advisor,
Hoping that all is well with you.
I sincerely commend the organization and composition of the community tool kit; its rich content very robust and holistic.
Please i humbly wish to request:
1. How can we possibly be trained in its use and as a train the trainer.
2. Is it feasible to have a complete kit from your organization?
The tool kit is very holistic and would go a long way to provide us with the skill useful in improving not only our organization but improving service provision for betterment of our communities here in Nigeria.
Thank you
Building Leadership
Mon, 07/06/2015
How do I coordinate a group of students collect data? This is my first time to do such a duty I do not know much about data collection. Before I lead the students I would like to know the basics first. Please reply
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Sat, 07/04/2015
I have a question on monitoring and evaluations. I was asked to set up a monitoring and evaluation system to monitor rural development grants/projects funded by government sources. My question is -how will I go about this, what basic things do I need to start with, what tools do I need? grateful for your assistance on this.
Analyzing Problems and Goals
Evaluating the Initiative
Fri, 07/03/2015
Mon, 06/15/2015
Hello my name is Shirley Singleton and I am the Program Director at Families ETC. in Crystal Lake, IL. I would like to know if you have a hard copy of your Community toolbox program. We are in the process of implementing a community youth program for teens in our area.
Fri, 06/12/2015
Do you believe in change? Please advice a person who wants to leave their studies, and pursue in changing they community to change the world in future. Please!
Sun, 06/07/2015
Another issue needing clarity as a concern on human health, particularly in India, considering the general approach of gross negligence or over-reaction (like in Maggie) by the so called controlling authorities who seemingly lack consistent testing methods & standards across states within India, thereby causing avoidable misconceptions.
This one pertains to most popular aerated cool drinks.
a) Is pesticide residue in cold drinks dangerous to human liver?
b) If yes, what is the permissible limit?
c) How do brands like Thumps up, Coke, Sprite compare on actuals based on credible testing?
Any comments?
Happy to get educated....
Sun, 06/07/2015
I have a petition that needs to be printed (including signatures) to a solicitor, how do I go about getting it printed and bound, there are over 323k signatures. Thank you.
Fri, 06/05/2015
taking "Keeping the City Clean" Campaign, identify and explain the upstream and downstream Social Marketing activities necessary in implementing such a campaign effectively.
Thu, 06/04/2015
How do I sign up for the free online Toolbox course I do not see a link.
Tue, 06/02/2015
I am interested in exploring the Communication with minor in Organizational Leadership.
I have completed my Associates at JCCC, and several classes at KU and was advised to take some online classes through Fort Hays, due to being a nontraditional student with limited accessibility to the KU Lawrence campus.
Fort Hays has an online Organizational Leadership BS, and I would love to compare this to KU Core program.
Fri, 05/15/2015
hi here shailendra kamble from mumbai,india . i have my educational institute i want planto make action plan for my institute.
Thu, 05/14/2015
Hi, I was very ill with mono for a period of time this semester and due to a professor who won't accept my homework from when I was ill and my grade is border line D. If I do end up getting that Grade is there a way to not show it on my transcript or have it reflect my GPA this late in the year? I am planning on retaking it over the summer.
Tue, 05/05/2015
May I have permission to personalize your content, then post it on my website?
Tue, 04/28/2015
Thanks for the Coalition Building guidance. Looking forward to reading that as Im really struggling to find guidance on alliance building. In short I'm leading the creation of a Global Alliance of university sustainability networks. I pulled many of the together recently for the first time and we want to connect and speak with one voice into international sustainability policy. Challenges are many especially eg how we ensure we are adding value to what already exists and not damaging that, do we open the door to all university groups and projects or stick with a core being country networks. How do we build trust and confidence especially to very different cultures in Africa, China etc so we are all seen as equals and this isnt my 'baby'? How is that for starters?! Very grateful to you and am pleased to have found CTB.
Tue, 04/28/2015
I am interested in taking training by your organization to learn how to assess a community. How can I start?
Mon, 04/27/2015
I am the chair of a group of various representatives from organizations in our community that support people who have an intellectual disability. We want to try to make a survey to determine how inclusive our community is with the goal of attempting to improve the inclusiveness of our community. Any suggestions ?
Fri, 04/24/2015
I am seeking resources such as model letters to use to ask for meeting with potential donors and contributors and to aid in purlication.
I am president of a non profit
Tue, 04/21/2015
Dear Sir/Madame,
I would like to you if your organization would consider a grant proposal for the following idea:
A high school girls fitness center with cardio equipment, free weights appropriate for them and other workout videos. I vision a center which can be open each morning before school for one hour and after school each day for hour and half run by Physical Education teachers, nutritionist and various speakers we can provide a safe outlet for our many teen girls to go to each day after school. Tying in academic success is crucial to our success. This center could be used by at least 200 of our female population.
I look forward to hearing feedback from you. Thank you for your help in this matter.
M. Teri Ramos
Wed, 04/15/2015
Help…my name is Jasmine!!!! I am in a practicum class where we are doing program evaluations for community organizations. The employees of those organizations are very applied focused. We are wondering how to engage them in change and foster buy-in for research methods. The implementation and results will likely necessitate large structural changes that may cause some resistance. It may cause people to hate us! Thanks for your help in this matter.
Tue, 03/31/2015
I have always intended on leading change in my community. I love working among my age group. I have come up with an idea to start a community based organisation focusing on entrepreneurship development among the youth in my community. I was just wondering on how I can draw out an effective model of operation to help me achieve my goal of motivating the youth to take over entrepreneurship roles in the community without asking for any funds from them as its a non-profit and self funded organisation.
Sun, 03/29/2015
Do you all provide assistance to organizations that are going through the Strategic Planning process? I happened across the Developing Vision and Mission Statements section of your Toolbox and am incredibly grateful for all of that information. I'm wondering if you have any coaches that can help our organization in a consult type of situation.
Tue, 03/17/2015
I am an exchange student from the United States studying Public Health at Elon University, and am studying at the University of Cape Town in South Africa for the semester. I am apart of a study abroad organization called CIEE and am apart of their service-learning program, where a group of us take classes at UCT while simultaneously working in service sites throughout Cape Town. During our time spent at our service sites, we are required to complete some sort of project, which can include implementing some sort of program or service to our location.
I have been placed at Ned Doman High School in Athlone, Cape Town and have spent the past couple weeks observing the school in order to determine some type of positive impact I can have on the students. During this time, I have decided that the school's counseling services are lacking and it would be very beneficial to begin a peer counseling/education program within the school. I noticed that your organization has partnerships with training programs and was wondering if you have or know about any resources available that could be used in conducting a peer education training session with the students at Ned Doman. Online resources or materials that I could use to facilitate a session with the students would be best if any exist and I am looking for some advice in the matter.
I look forward to hearing back and thanks in advance for you time!
Thu, 03/12/2015
I am social worker who is the founder of Chitani Community Sustainable Development Organization in 2004. I want to learn more how I can write winning proposals. Therefore I am seeking adviser who can help me. The NGO is currently based in Malawi. Our focus areas are: Education, Water, sanitation and hygiene and climate change,
Mon, 03/09/2015
Hi there!
I've completed a community assessment of a neighbourhood in Toronto. Some important primary data I have observed is the numerous community and recreational services, as well as a large park that is the centre of the community. I am trying to implement a social marketing ad but I am not sure what I can do without making any assumptions about the community population (i.e. I wanted to hold a health fair that brings all the services to one place so the community can access it and see all the available resources to them, but is that assuming they don't already use these resources?). Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Wed, 03/04/2015
The community toolbox is wonderful. I am looking for tools for estimating the cost of community mobilization. Are you aware of any such tools? I don’t see any in the toolbox.
Thanks much,
Wed, 03/04/2015
I have an assignment to create a health promoting intervention for my community . I have chosen swimming pool health, healthy waters, My assignment includes creating a budget for funding, a SWOT analysis of the proposed program and assigning project roles . I am thinking of doing posters about reasons for showering before swimming, to hang at the rec centers and do a display at the library. Also creating a proposal to the community recreation centers to install UV light in their pools which would reduce the need for chlorine in the pools. Any thoughts about how to finance a budget, and also to assign project roles? Any thoughts at all?
Improving Organizational Management and Development
Tue, 03/03/2015
How should I write this site in my references (your recommended citation for this site) at the end of my literature reviewing of the information on your website? I want to recognise the source appropriately.
Thu, 02/19/2015
What is the best way to cite your website in APA style? I am using information from Chapter 27 about oppression in a research paper. Thanks!
Sat, 02/07/2015
I am interested in using the Core Functions In Leadership for a training I am working on for community health workers. Who do I contact to learn about the permissions and the appropriate credits for using the materials if approved.
Thank you very much for your input
Increasing Participation and Membership
Fri, 01/30/2015
I want to start new organisation or youth society... in village so please advise me or suggest me..Please
Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Thu, 01/29/2015
Dear Advisor Team,
I'm writing from a small rural town in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Five years ago a small group of local ladies got together with the vision to showcase our town (increase tourism) and to increase social cohesiveness (racially segregated and diverse). We started the Encounter East Griqualand Country and Garden Festival which is in our 5th year this year (see website: It has proved a wonderful success - starting with around 400 visitors over the 3-day event and ballooning to over 1000 visitors last year. The Festival has more than 60 "events" which include gardens, music, agricultural events, a parade, a street market, children's activities, food at every venue, wild flower and birding walks and talks, guest speakers, book launches etc. Next week we will be meeting to start talking about Encounter 2015. As the "facilitator" to our planning sessions, this year I have the challenge of a group that are tired. I like your section on institutionalising the initiative - I think the Festival should start looking more like a business than a committee - and I will use the 8 questions to structure the discussion. But, what other tools, tips, or strategies can I use to invigorate the group? I'll obviously start with brain-storming and discussing our successes - but, I feel, in our hearts, we know that. What else can fire up the group again? We will also have some POTENTIAL new committee members at the meeting (I've asked that they also be invited), so that they are clear about the current committees "malaise", but are made to feel part of the reason for its continuation....Any ideas? I would be most grateful. (P.S. The entire committee volunteers their time - we had a part-time marketing person, who is leaving us this year), Kind regards
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Evaluating the Initiative
Thu, 01/29/2015
I am interested in starting a program to end the Freshman 15. Do you have any intervention ideas? Is there an outline or program that we could use as a guide? Thank you for your time.
Advocating for Change
Wed, 01/28/2015
how can I receive the online Free class.
Analyzing Problems and Goals
Sat, 01/24/2015
Hi I would like to know if I can seek permission to use the toolkit for conducting training and development on community development workers such as social workers in my country. Can I automatically print it out and conduct my trainings then acknowledge your organisation/institution?
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Wed, 01/21/2015
My name is Dr Gloria Gay and I have a community radio broadcast that airs every Thursday morning from 9:30 am to 10:30 (est). I invite clinicians, professionals, and grass roots persons to the broadcast to help me, my co-host, and the in-house Psychiatrist discuss topics that impact our communities and are not usually addressed in social circles. We discuss the topic for thirty minutes and then open the phone lines for callers who may have a question or comment while in the meantime we continue discussing the topic. February 5, 2015 we will be discussing Prejudice and I would like to invite you to be a guest on the show. If you accept the invitation I will send you the questions that we will use and answer ant pertinent questions. Please let me know asap so we can move forward. Thank you for your time.
Advocating for Change
Tue, 01/20/2015
how to develop a mission and vision statement in strategic plan for organization?
how to develop objective for organization?
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Mon, 01/19/2015
Dear Management of Tool box,
I'm in love for what you are doing, how can my community be part of this program
Thank you
Hands of Hope Africa
Advocating for Change
Mon, 01/12/2015
Before going further permit me to introduce ourselves:
The Sanniquellie Youth Association is the conglomeration of various Youth groups within Nimba County. It is an umbrella organization that in-house all small youth group and grooming them to have one voice so as to take up the challenges of our social development. This Association stands for Peace, Advocacy, Construction of Youth Center, Constructive Dialogue and Development in our district and County and Country at large.
we have our youth group call the Sanniquellie Youth Association in Liberia, how can we partner with you to help train our many youth groups? How can be of support to you?
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Advocating for Change
Mon, 01/12/2015
How can a community support the Police? My community has a negative view of the Police that protect and serve it. There is ugly history behind this view,however these folks put their lives on the line everyday to protect the community. I want to create a rally thing for them.
Fri, 01/09/2015
I am traveling to Tanzania with my college to go into the schools (primary and secondary) to teach about water education. I am stuck on what kind of lesson plans I should implement while I am there. I was thinking about a handwashing activity or personal hygiene of some kind. My purpose of my project is to begin the elimination of the cultural bias towards boiling water as a means of sanitation. This project will develop effective and age-appropriate lesson plans that will be taught in the classroom. There will also be a presentation given during the women's conference that will include strategies for improving children's learning at home.
I am open to any suggestions! Thanks :)
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Thu, 01/08/2015
I have begun researching community collaboration. Yet I believe communities participate informally in community collaboration whether it is shared planning in community events e.g., health fairs, wellness conferences to name a few, or informal meetings or formalized meetings, yet these community collaboration processes or categories/types of community collaborations are not identified. Can you point me to awesome resources?
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Building Leadership
Thu, 01/08/2015
This is a test question.
Wed, 12/31/2014
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