1. Convene key stakeholders to develop the group’s strategic plan.
__ Key stakeholders, including members of the group and representatives of the target community affected by the issue, were brought together to plan the initiative or effort.
2. Establish and use the group’s vision statement to guide the development of the strategic plan.
__ The group has a written vision statement that is clear, concise, and positive.
__ The vision statement is referenced or included in the written strategic plan.
3. Establish and use the group’s mission statement to guide the development of the strategic plan.
__ The group has a written mission statement.
__ The mission statement communicates the outcome or end that the group has in mind and the broad approaches used to get there.
__ The final vision and mission statement(s) were reviewed and approved by the group for consistency with the group’s purpose.
__ The group regularly reviews the vision and mission statements and makes necessary adjustments.
__ The mission statement is referenced or included in the written strategic plan.
4. Develop objectives that serve as a marker of accomplishments and provide benchmarks for accountability.
__ Collect data and established benchmark measures to assess the baseline level of the issue and to serve as a measure or indicator of progress in addressing the issue.
__ The group has written objectives to guide the efforts of the initiative
__ The objectives are written in a way that indicate how much (e.g., percentage, number) of what (e.g., specific goal or behavior) by when (e.g., month, year) will be accomplished to meet the objective.
__ The group has established measurable outcomes or objectives to be brought about in the target community or population to support the mission.
__ The group has established measurable objectives related to changes in behaviors of the target population or other populations or groups that would need to change their behavior to address the issue.
5. Identify strategies (i.e., intervention components and elements) that will be used to ensure the initiative will reach its objectives.
__ The group has written and approved strategies that indicate how the group will accomplish its stated objectives.
__ The group has identified strategies to be used at various levels targeted by the initiative.
__ The group has identified andconsidered the personal & environmental factors and/or the risk and protective factors targeted by the group when selecting strategies.
__ Each strategy identifies the new or modified program, policy, or practice to be sought in the community.
__ The group has identified the targets of change and agents of change to implement each strategy.
__ The group prioritized the strategies based on the importance and feasibility of implementing each strategy.
6. Identify action steps for each strategy (program, policy, practice) to be implemented by the group.
__ Action steps were specified to support the implementation of the identified strategies.
__ Action plans were developed that identified the person responsible, proposed completion date, and resources needed for implementing the components of the strategic plan.
7. Develop, implement, and review the strategic/action plan.
__ The group has a written strategic plan that is current and details the specific objectives, strategies, and action steps for achieving the identified vision and mission of the group.
__ The group regularly reviews and makes necessary modifications and updates to the strategic plan.
__ The group systematically tracks or documents progress towards achieving the strategic plan.
__ The group regularly communicates progress toward completing the strategic plan to the staff, board, and other key stakeholders.