Supports Some Primary CTB Supports for this Process: Toolkit: Developing an Intervention Designing Community Interventions Participatory Approaches to Planning Community Interventions Databases of Best Practices 1. Engage community members and other key stakeholders in designing the intervention. The group regularly provides opportunities for stakeholders, including those from the target community or population, to be involved in developing, selecting, or providing feedback regarding potential and current interventions facilitated by the initiative. Core Supports: Troubleshooting Guide: We need to understand the community or situation better Troubleshooting Guide: Not enough community participation Working Together for Healthier Communities: A Framework for Collaboration among Community Partnerships, Support Organizations, and Funders Involving Key Influentials in the Initiative Involving People Most Affected by the Problem Participatory Approaches to Planning Community Interventions Multicultural Collaboration Encouraging Involvement of Potential Opponents As Well As Allies A Framework for Program Evaluation: A Gateway to Tools Understanding Community Leadership, Evaluators, and Funders: What Are Their Interests? 2. Identify the objectives to be attained by the intervention. The group identifies the target population (or community) and the target behaviors that are desired to be changed by an intervention when selecting or assessing the appropriateness of an intervention. When assessing the appropriateness of a potential intervention, the group identifies the specific factors such as (a) personal factors, (b) environmental factors, (c) risk factors, and/or (d) protective factors to be targeted or addressed by the intervention. The group has specific objectives or measures of success to be achieved by potential or current interventions implemented by the initiative. Core Supports: Developing a Logic Model or Theory of Change Creating Objectives Toolkit: Developing a Framework or Model of Change Toolkit: Developing Strategic and Action Plans Troubleshooting Guide: There is no clear direction or communication within our group. Identifying Targets and Agents of Change: Who Can Benefit and Who Can Help Understanding Risk and Protective Factors: Their Use in Selecting Potential Targets and Promising Strategies for Interventions Developing an Evaluation Plan 3. Review evidence-based interventions or “best practices” related to your problem/goal before choosing or adapting an intervention. The group considers effective approaches or best practices related to the issue when selecting or adapting an intervention. The group considers “what works” or “what doesn’t work”, especially in the target community or with the target population, when selecting, developing, or adapting an intervention. The group considers how the intervention needs to be developed or adapted to fit the needs of the local people, context, and resources. Core Supports: Criteria for Choosing Promising Practices and Community Interventions Understanding Risk and Protective Factors: Their Use in Selecting Potential Targets and Promising Strategies for Interventions Adapting Community Interventions for Different Cultures and Communities Troubleshooting Guide: We don't know what to do to solve the problem. 4. Identify core components, elements, and modes of delivery for the intervention. Identify core intervention components and modes of delivery based on the analysis of the problem/goal and available resources. The group has secured or allocated appropriate financial, human, and material resources necessary for implementing the potential and/or current intervention(s) supported by the initiative. The group has identified how and by whom the intervention components for all interventions supported by the initiative will be implemented and delivered. The group has and uses established timelines or schedules to guide the implementation of the intervention over time. The group has identified and established appropriate relationships and agreements with other collaborators and key stakeholders necessary for implementing and supporting the intervention. The persons or groups responsible for implementing the intervention(s) have received appropriate training and technical support. Core Supports: Proclaiming Your Dream: Developing Vision and Mission Statements Hiring and Training Key Staff of Community Organizations Providing Training and Technical Assistance Designing Community Interventions Using Community Sectors to Reach Target and Agents of Change Overview of Tactics for Modifying Access, Barriers, and Opportunities Using Outreach to Increase Access Promoting Coordination, Cooperative Agreements, and Collaborative Agreements Among Agencies 5. Evaluate the implementation of the intervention and its contributions towards improving outcomes related to the issue. The group has a structured system to track data regarding the implementation of the group’s activities and accomplishments. The group implements intervention(s) with fidelity, makes adjustments as needed, and assures conditions for its success. Organizational leaders, including the board and staff, regularly review and assess data on documented activities to assess the progress of the initiative in implementing the intervention. The group collects outcome data to assess the contribution of the intervention towards change and improvement in behaviors and longer-term outcomes targeted by the intervention(s). Organizational leaders, including the board and staff, regularly review and assess outcome data related to the implementation of the intervention(s). The group collects and analyzes pre-intervention, during and post-intervention outcome data to assess the level of the issue. Core Supports: Our Evaluation Model: Evaluating Comprehensive Community Initiatives Introduction to Evaluation A Framework for Program Evaluation: A Gateway to Tools Community-based Participatory Research Participatory Evaluation Toolkit: Evaluating the Initiative Troubleshooting Guide: We don't know how to evaluate our program or initiative Operations in Evaluating Community Intervention 6. Use information on the implementation of the intervention to celebrate, make adjustments, and assure effectiveness of the intervention. The group, including staff and board members, uses data and other information to assess the implementation of the intervention and to make necessary adjustments to the intervention(s). The group is effective in identifying and responding to barriers and opposition experienced in implementing the intervention. The group regularly celebrates successes and accomplishments for progress in implementing the intervention. The group regularly shares data regarding the implementation of the intervention and related outcomes data with key leaders, partners, and stakeholders in the community to enhance support for the intervention(s). Core Supports: Providing Feedback to Improve the Initiative Communicating Information to Funders for Support and Accountability Achieving and Maintaining Quality Performance Obtaining and Using Feedback from Participants Arranging Celebrations Recognizing Goal Attainment Holding Awards Ceremonies Honoring Community Champions Troubleshooting Guide: There is not enough improvement in outcomes Troubleshooting Guide: There are unintended or unwanted outcomes