This toolkit provides supports for developing core components of a community intervention and adapting them to fit the context.
Burj El Barajneh is a Palestinian refugee camp (BBC) in Beirut, Lebanon, and the 6th largest of the 12 official campus established after 1948.
The Take Charge Challenge is a 10-week physical activity program in which participants determine their individual readiness for physical activity, set goals, and pursue activities that interest and challenge them.
In 1992, when Rodrigo Guerrero was elected mayor of Cali, Colombia, his platform was built on the foundation that he would decrease the rising rates of violence during his term.
Girls Inc., Munroe-Meyer Institute/The University of Nebraska Medical Center, and Omaha Healthy Kids collaborated to develop and implement a community project with girls ages 13-14.
The child mortality rates in Kenya are as high as 126 males per 1000 and 120 females per 1000 live births.
In 1987, the SID association (the initials come from its French name, “Service Infirmier à Domicile”) was founded in Lebanon.
The Thika West District, is a town located in the Central Province, about 40km north-east of Nairobi. Home to about 2000 residents, Komo’s main source of income is coffee farming with in Thika.
This report focuses on three key areas in which cultural insights and global examples can help improve health policy around childhood obesity by understanding how historical and structural factors frame food and weight beyond individual choice.
Sixteen training modules for teaching core skills. Learn more.
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