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Guestbook Entries

The Community Tool Box team greatly appreciates your visit to our site and we'd love to hear from you, and learn more about you and how you are using the resources on the site to support your community work. We encourage you to browse guestbook entries from visitors to our site and while you’re here, encourage you to subscribe to our eNewsletter to keep in touch and learn about new resources as they become available.

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1 October 2013 Colleen Daniel,
Who I am Use of CTB
Third semester masters student in Human Development at Washington State University.
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1 October 2013 Linda J Cantine,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a native NYer in the process of relocation to Durham NC. I'm in the planning stages of starting a Non-Profit Organization. I plan to have it up & running by Y2K. Your site has been extremely helpful. Thanks
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1 October 2013 Claude Hall, Jr. MA, MHA,
Who I am Use of CTB
I offer consulting services in health systems/network design, governance, management, and evaluation through my company, Health System Synergies. I have been involved in these areas by directing national programs administered in trade associations (AHA - Community Care Network Demonstration and APHA - Model Standards for Community Preventive Services); state health departments in planning and local health systems (Virginia and Idaho), and in hospital/health system planning.
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1 October 2013 Kate Reynolds jumanahattab@yahoo .com,
Who I am Use of CTB
Greetings from a part time Community Development lecturer at Murray Institute of Tertiary and Further Ed... and a fulltime commnuity activist enjoying spending some government resources surfing for like minded people and orgs...
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1 October 2013 linda cottrell,,
Who I am Use of CTB
employee of SRS, will be doing Connect Kansas training for staff Active
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1 October 2013 Triyoga Supriyatmaji,
Who I am Use of CTB
I was an executive member of Malang City Forum that work on behalf of Malang City in implementing good governance and healthy city program. Malang City Forum is non profit organization that formed by the communities to solve development problems in every aspects. We will be glad if we could share everything about community development with high commited institutions like University of Kansas. Our main goal in this year is building a grand scenario to Malang as a healthy communities.
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1 October 2013 Annette Hopgood,
Who I am Use of CTB
Director, School and Community Nutrition Georgia Department of Education Active
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1 October 2013 Matilde Alvarado,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the coordinator for minority health education and outreach activities at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH. I love your community tool box that I just discovered. it will be very helpful since I am in the process of developing an evalution tool for a lay health educators lead program for Latinos. Thanks for doing such a nice job.
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1 October 2013 kassem El-Saddik,
Who I am Use of CTB
Graduate student at the American Universitiy of Beirut Active
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1 October 2013 Susanna Shuey,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a public health educator at the Monongalia County Health Department in Morgantown, WV
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1 October 2013 Shauwea Hamilton,
Who I am Use of CTB
Could you please add my organization's site to your links (if possible both funding and community) the address is: Thank you.
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1 October 2013 Renie Carniol,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a program officer with a healthcare foundation in New Jersey called the Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey. We fund non-profits that improve the health of the Newark residents, further medical education, medical research and improve the health of the MetroWest Jewish community. See our website at
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1 October 2013 DeMecia Wooten-Irizarry,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am currently the Director of External Relations for a non-profit organization providing housing, rehabilitation and rehabilitative skills training to mentally and developmentally disabled individuals.
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1 October 2013 Katherine Boydell,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a health services research scientist conducting qualitative and quantitative research in the field of children's health/mental health. I am currently involved in evaluating a comunity academic alliance focused on parenting involving The Hospital for Sick Children and 22 community partners.
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1 October 2013 Delia Hammons,
Who I am Use of CTB
Retired, long time Bahai, B.A. in Sociology,love outdoor activities, quilter, reader.
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1 October 2013 ann murphy,
Who I am Use of CTB
We are interested in community building approaches and efforts taking place nationwide that may have application to a county based state services delivery system.
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1 October 2013 Maisha Gibson,
Who I am Use of CTB
Co-Founderand President of National Parenting Conference, Inc., a non-profit dedicated to provding educational and fun activities to parents and their children in a "professional" conference setting.
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1 October 2013 Kimberly Peabody,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a doctoral student at Texas Woman's University. It was suggested by the instructor of our Health Strategies course to write for a copy of the Community Tool Box. Would you please send me a copy?
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1 October 2013 Vanessa Glover,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the Community Development Coordinator for a national substance abuse prevention project. The purpose is to partner with Head Stat programs and train parents, commuity residents, and community leaders in advocacy and community development skills.
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1 October 2013 Roy Bishop,
Who I am Use of CTB
Like your toolbox concept. Looks like some good resources which would be helpful for people here in OZ too. Thanks for making it available.
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1 October 2013 Tula Fitzgerald,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am active in our community association and I am a health care professional. Active
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1 October 2013 Nelly Flores,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am studing Psychology at High School, and I am part of a group that is learning and practicing what we know about the Community Tool Box, in different Health Cliniques in Mexico city. Hope to be in contact, thank you. Nelly
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1 October 2013 Kerry Mayhall,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work at Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Washington Active
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1 October 2013 Doris Boeckman,
Who I am Use of CTB
Community Interventions Consultant for the Missouri Community Health Assistance Resource Team (CHART). Missouri communities mobilize to improve their quality of life through CHART by receiving information, data and training, and assistance with resource identification. CHART is a Missouri Department of Health-administered initiative based on four principles - community involvement, commitment, control and accountability.
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1 October 2013 Nadira Sharif,
Who I am Use of CTB
Like this site and would like to be updated by e-mail. Active
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1 October 2013 vicki coates,
Who I am Use of CTB
a bahai looking for other bahai`s to chat with in the states or around the world,like to relocate need alot of i`m new at this & silly me thinks it`s real fun to chat or just email to anywhere out of my back yard :):)
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 October 2013 Carol Bush,
Who I am Use of CTB
Just participated in chat forum coordinated by RPC's Jason which Vince helped make a reality. Excellent work!!! As people learn to change their behavior patterns...phoning and traveling to meetings should be a thing of the past. Your site is a WEALTH of information, inspiration and innovation for those of us working in communities. Keep up the great work...whatever feeds your ideas...keep that up, too! Tell the chancellor I said, "Fund these people to a higher level!" (Lot of good that will do you...I am a K-State grad; which when you consider it, is all the more proof of your excellence! Ha.)
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1 October 2013 Ruth Shantz,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work for Chelsea Community Hospital and chair our Community Health Improvement Leadership Council. I also represent our organization in the Washtenaw County Health Improvement Plan (HIP), a broad coalition begun in 1994 to improve the health of the citizens of Washtenaw County, Mi. I sit on HIP's Assessment Team, whose task it is to help local coalitions identify effective interventions for the health issues that they select to address. I was reading RWJF's most recent edition of Advances and saw an article about your website.
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1 October 2013 Judy Robinson,
Who I am Use of CTB
Great source for my Social Work Practice III class dealing with Macro social work. Keep up the good work. Has really helped out alot!
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1 October 2013 Fran Snyder,
Who I am Use of CTB
Assisting communities to build collaborative partnerships Active
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1 October 2013 Debbie Fox,
Who I am Use of CTB
Hello, I have recently been appointed to undertake participatory evaluation research in collaboration with the HFAUK network. Congradulations on such an excellent web site do you have a discussion forum for exchange of ideas and methods of approaching PER?
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1 October 2013 wendy pol,
Who I am Use of CTB
families first in white oaks is a community action program for children, funded by health canada to strengthen and support families with children ages zero to six. community development and community involvement in all aspects of our programming is an important focus for us.
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1 October 2013 mary milen,
Who I am Use of CTB
student, master's in nursing, family nurse practitioner. Taking a health econ course where we have to do a business proposal, ideally something with a community focus.
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1 October 2013 Laura Burns,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a public health nurse supervisor in charge of the child health program for Chesterfield Health District.
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1 October 2013 roddy digges,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work as web manager for the Health Education Authority in London - currently trying to source materials to aid local community building (capacity development) around the UK. Especially interested in the evidence base for community based programs. I found a very interesting paper on the complexity of evidence gathering in this area - congratulations on a great site.
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1 October 2013 Ernie Lang,
Who I am Use of CTB
Researcher - working in area of local community initiatives to tackle alcohol and other drug problems
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1 October 2013 Steve Thompson,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work for a Community Action Program in New Hampshire and belong to the Baha'i Faith. I am currently involved in a distance education program here at work as well as developing an adult education and training program. My educational background is in Community and Economic Development.
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1 October 2013 Joel Brody,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the Director of a new partnership in the Toronto area. We are some 22 different front-line child serving agencies and organizations and a group of hospital and university based researchers. Our aim is to identify, refine, develop, conduct and evaluate a range of parenting programs for families of young children.
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1 October 2013 jim McGuire,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work in the guard's drug demand reduction office working with a number of prevention initiatives around the state. Those include healthy communitiies-healthy youth and tar wars a tobacco prevention program for fifth graders.
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1 October 2013 Michelle Hurtubise,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work as a health promoter with a community health centre working with seniors, youth and people with disabilities. We are undertaking a community needs and capacity assessment and want to incorporate more principles of community development into the process (the process is the end and the means idea). We were referred to your site from the Centre for Health Promotion, University of Toronto.
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1 October 2013 Debbie Bretag,
Who I am Use of CTB
Great Information! Active
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1 October 2013 Jeanne Palmer,
Who I am Use of CTB
I manage the Health Education Department at Clark County Health District in Las Vegas.
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1 October 2013 Patti Murphy,
Who I am Use of CTB
work in advocacy and emerging public health issues Archived
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1 October 2013 robert sandstrom,
Who I am Use of CTB
physician, board member community project 2020, setting community wide health goals, coordinating interventions
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1 October 2013 Tina Salter,
Who I am Use of CTB
Public Health Department PHN--always looking for good resources! Archived
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1 October 2013 Lelia Haeger,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am an Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Coordinator at the YWCA Green Bay/De Pere. We are just developing our program. I will be working with middle school age kids who are at risk for becoming teen parents. We will be utilizing the Search Institutes 40 Developmental Assests.
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1 October 2013 Clare Munro,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the manager of health promotion programmes for 'Regional Public Health'. This is the regional, Govt funded, public health service for a population of approx. 400 000 living in and around our capital city, Wellington.
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1 October 2013 Paul Evensen,
Who I am Use of CTB
Senior Consultant with the Community Systems Group, Inc. - the Tool Box has been an invaluable resource in providing help to communities trying to improve health - thank you for keeping such a comprehensive resource available to all.
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1 October 2013 Alvy Newman,
Who I am Use of CTB
Interests: increasing coping skills of chronic patients through education and information, educating the educators
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1 October 2013 Carrie Courtney,
Who I am Use of CTB
Hello! I am a student of Dr. Nickitopolous and am following up on an assignment to explore Community Psych. Lots of great info.... back to browsing
