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Guestbook Entries

The Community Tool Box team greatly appreciates your visit to our site and we'd love to hear from you, and learn more about you and how you are using the resources on the site to support your community work. We encourage you to browse guestbook entries from visitors to our site and while you’re here, encourage you to subscribe to our eNewsletter to keep in touch and learn about new resources as they become available.

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1 October 2013 Clare Munro,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the manager of health promotion programmes for 'Regional Public Health'. This is the regional, Govt funded, public health service for a population of approx. 400 000 living in and around our capital city, Wellington.
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1 October 2013 Paul Evensen,
Who I am Use of CTB
Senior Consultant with the Community Systems Group, Inc. - the Tool Box has been an invaluable resource in providing help to communities trying to improve health - thank you for keeping such a comprehensive resource available to all.
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1 October 2013 Alvy Newman,
Who I am Use of CTB
Interests: increasing coping skills of chronic patients through education and information, educating the educators
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1 October 2013 Carrie Courtney,
Who I am Use of CTB
Hello! I am a student of Dr. Nickitopolous and am following up on an assignment to explore Community Psych. Lots of great info.... back to browsing
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1 October 2013 connie cunningham,
Who I am Use of CTB
social worker Active
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1 October 2013 Kathy Baker,
Who I am Use of CTB
Director of Compeer Program. Compeer was a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant. I was pleased to hear about this site in ADVANCES..
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1 October 2013 Christine Thurston,
Who I am Use of CTB
I belong to the Health Ministry Program at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland, am a new PhD, RN, and very interested in the link between faith communities and public health as advocacy for empowerment of individuals/families and universal health care access.
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1 October 2013 ANNA MARTIN,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a Nutrition Educator with UC Cooperative Extension in San Joaquin County and Calaveras County. I am also a graduate student at CSU, Sacramento as a Special Major in Community Nutrition. My thesis project is a Hunger Study in Calaveras County where I am collaborating with Billie Westernoff of the Human Services Council and 19 other agencies, churches, and organizations to develop an action plan to address hunger and food insecurity in Calaveras County. I am very impressed with your site and the information is proving to be an excellent guideline for my work.
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1 October 2013 Sydney Smysor,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am currently developing for a new health promotions director position at the Tucson Children's Museum. We hope to provide exhibits, programs, and community partnerships for children to incourage healthy living!!!!
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1 October 2013 SAMUEL DICKERMAN,
Who I am Use of CTB
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1 October 2013 Carol Warner,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am an RN and coordinate a Family Support program. The program identifies, tracks and monitors "at-risk" children and their families. This program is supported by our community hospital. The team consists of a Medical Director, a behaviorist, 2 RN's, 1 LSW and a half-time clerical worker. Our target population is birth to age 18yrs. or upon graduation of high school. It is a free service. We link families with community agencies, work collaboratively with the agencies and schools, and provide other services,ie: parenting classes, home visits, education and more. We are situated in a Family Medicine residency program. For more information you can contact me via e-mail. Thank you, Carol
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1 October 2013 Anne Serino,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the director of a literacy program that is developing a coalition around adult literacy.
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1 October 2013 Quincy Harris,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a graduate student from Chicago, majoring in Public Health. I am in the process of applying to UIC for the fall 2000. This imfor mation has been a great help in my pursuit of my MD/PhD.
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1 October 2013 annie retamal,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a social work intern at the Northern California Council for the Community and am interested in establishing a link from your website to ours as well as vice-versa. Thank you!
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1 October 2013 dewayne smith,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm am very intrested in developing and establishing an community in my neighborhood. Right now I'm so overwhelmed with the amount of reasearch that I must do. is there any short cuts?
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1 October 2013 Jackie Floyd,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am helping my pastor develop a program for the youth in the community, that is not a duplicate of other services that are being offered to the youth of the community.
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1 October 2013 Connie Smith,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a senior occupational therapy student and am also taking a graduate course called Partnering Healthy Communities. We will focus our study on two communities in Kansas City throughout the semester.
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1 October 2013 Patricia Montney,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a board member of a nonprofit neighborhood association seeking grant information to futher our goal of a community center in my neighborhood. We provide a varity of youth activities to low to moderate income families and wish to expand upon this goal. We are in the process of renovating a city owned building with an option the purchase it in the futher. We have a senior group we uses the building for their meeting on a weekly.
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1 October 2013 Rhonda Mongold,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am an Occupational therapy student at the University of Kansas Medical Center. I am currently taking a class called Partnering Healthy Communities.
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1 October 2013 Alison Hughes,
Who I am Use of CTB
Teach Leadership and Health Policy. Special interest in rural health issues. Member Policy Board, NRHA; Governing Council, APHA; National Advisory Committee on Rural Health.
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1 October 2013 John E. Yox,
Who I am Use of CTB
CFO of standalone health center in downstate Illinois. Interested in exploring the contribution of health services to regional economic development in rural areas.
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1 October 2013 M.L. Campbell,
Who I am Use of CTB
We are a community based tax-exempt corp which plans, developes, & manages human services
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1 October 2013 Loraine Green,
Who I am Use of CTB
We are a church in the process of developing our community foundation. The information contained in this site has been most helpful. Thank you for this resource!
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1 October 2013 Bryce Eagles,
Who I am Use of CTB
Site Coordinator for a local Community Access Centre( see Gary Wood sign in ). Your site offers valuable resources for community development and regeneration. I see this to be of value for our centre in attempting to achieve our goals. Thank you
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1 October 2013 Sonny Lim,
Who I am Use of CTB
39 year old, male, assisting in a new startup NGO, called Community Support Network, incorporated in Malaysia
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1 October 2013 Ann Currie,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm a health promoter in the Community Resource Team of Crown Public Health in Christchurch New Zealand. My approach is community development to assist health and wellbeing in the region (400,00people) in the South Island.I administer a community small grants fund to assist community organisations address health issues which affect health and wellbeing.This year I have been focussing more on housing and health issues and looking at what actions are needed to improve the risk conditions.
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1 October 2013 Laurie Wenninger,
Who I am Use of CTB
Graduate student at North Carolina State University in Community Psychology Active
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1 October 2013 Karen Evans,
Who I am Use of CTB
Executive Director of the Will and Jada Smith Foundation. Just became board chair of a new coalition in Baltimore called the Park Heights Community Health Alliance. I'm looking for information like sample bylaws and memorandums of understanding for board members
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1 October 2013 Larry Linnell,
Who I am Use of CTB
Faculty Physician, Eastern New Mexcio Family Practice Residency Program Active
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1 October 2013 Ann Pobutsky,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a sociologist working with the Oregon Office on Disability and Health. Active
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1 October 2013 Sarah Narkewicz, RN,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm the Director of a Community Health Trust foounded by a rural community hospital that funds projects aimed at impoving the Health Status of area residents. The Trust funds projects aimed at reducing substance abuse, prevention of disease, and improved access of health and human services.
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1 October 2013 Alan Norman,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the education and training Coordinator for Connect NB a Community Access Project for assisting Communities in developing computer centres for their citizens to level the access to technology playing field for Rural Citizens. Please visit our Website at This is great work you folks have done and we would be delighted to link you to our home page and further extend your resource without having to reinvent the wheel. If we have any content that would be of value to you please do the same.I'll await your reply,keep up the great work!! Al
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1 October 2013 Gary Wood,
Who I am Use of CTB
We develop communities by creating and sustaining community access centres where all citizens can take advantage of the Internet and its opportunities in an affordable, accessable, community environment.
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1 October 2013 Bristow Hardin,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am director of the Center for Public Policy at The Union Institute (a University, not a trade union organization). The Center conducts applied research, with the primary focus on the role nonprofits can play in promoting democracy and social justice and meeting human needs. Prior to joining the Center in June of 1998, I worked with legal services groups and related advocacy organizations and taught at the University of California, Santa Cruz, while conducting graduate studies in political and economic sociology. For what it's worth, I think the Community Tool Box is a great resource for folks working on social justice, etc., issues. Thanks.
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1 October 2013 Becky Thomas,
Who I am Use of CTB
Health Education Director at Pasco County Health Department Active
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1 October 2013 Gregory LaBranche,
Who I am Use of CTB
Belivedere Martial Arts Master working on at U-mass Active
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1 October 2013 Andrew ODonovan,
Who I am Use of CTB
Keep up the good work. Ill be checking in . Active
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1 October 2013 Linnie Maloney,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a grant writer/researcher/manager for a substance abuse community collaboration. I was reffered to this site by Dr. Copple of the National Crime Prevention Council.
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1 October 2013 Charlotte Jensen,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am working on my Master's Theses on the differences in Training Volunteers and Training paid staff, or should there be?
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1 October 2013 Susanne Dean,
Who I am Use of CTB
I have been working in grassroots community mobilization for ten years and am currently serving on the advisory board for the Community Coaliton of Horry County in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I am interested in keeping up with current trends in community mobilization and change.
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1 October 2013 Jennifer Ellis,
Who I am Use of CTB
Lawrence resident. Active
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1 October 2013 mary luna hollen,
Who I am Use of CTB
hispana/latina registered dietitian runner working on doctoral degree in nutrition and food science, area of research is health and disease in hispano/latino populations.
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1 October 2013 Ursula Stephens,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a doctoral student working on developing sustainability indicators for rural and regional communities in Australia. congratulations on your toolbox, I haven't found one like it anywhere else. you might like to have a look at, a new site developed by the Premier's department in NSW where I work. cheers, Ursula
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1 October 2013 Jeanne Sewell,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work with Alabama Public Health and am very interested in Community Development and Healthy People 2010 initiatives
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1 October 2013 Nancy Westphal sobrien9@uwyo.ed,
Who I am Use of CTB
Director of the Peoria City/County Health Department, Peoria, IL Active
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1 October 2013 Paul McGinnis,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a rural community health development consultant. I have been working in rural health for 16 years.
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1 October 2013 Sandra Curphey,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm the director for the Diabetes Partnership in Amarillo, Texas. Active
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1 October 2013 annette murch,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am Chief of strategic planning and policy for the Bureau of Prevention, the Ohio Department of Human Services.
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1 October 2013 Delphine Sellars,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm a Community Outreach Coordinator. I provide assistance to communities in any way possible. I help communities organize, facilitate in resolution of problems, understand diversity, plan development, etc.
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1 October 2013 Glen White,
Who I am Use of CTB
I use the CTB a lot and it is very informative and helpful for community development. I just had several of the sections on advocacy translated into Spanish so I could go to Peru to teach Peruvian citizens with disabilities to make change in their communities for the better. Glen W. White, Ph.D. Associate Professor, HDFL University of Kansas
