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Guestbook Entries

The Community Tool Box team greatly appreciates your visit to our site and we'd love to hear from you, and learn more about you and how you are using the resources on the site to support your community work. We encourage you to browse guestbook entries from visitors to our site and while you’re here, encourage you to subscribe to our eNewsletter to keep in touch and learn about new resources as they become available.

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1 October 2013 Dorothy Yeager ,
Who I am Use of CTB
please send quarterly newsletter to my email address Thanks!
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1 October 2013 Dorothy Hulsey ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a high school teacher of social studies at Tulia High School, and I am a firm believer in community service for myself and my children. I could not get the request for updates to take my email address. Please send me updates if possible through email. Thank you Dorothy Hulsey
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1 October 2013 Cullen Hayashida ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am part of the Pew Charitable Trust Initiative known as the Pew Civic Entrepreneur Initiative involving 10 mid-sized cities in the US. I am with the Honolulu group; we are three classes - one per year for 3 years. Our principal sponsor was the Hawaii Community Foundation with the support of 16 other local non-profit organizations. I appreciate what you have done and look forward to visiting your site often. Presently, we are working on an Association of Community Association in keeping with a suggestion made by John McKnight in his book, the Careless Society.
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1 October 2013 Bruce Leonard ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm a physical activity interventionist (Health Educator) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity. I'm interested in population based behavior change interventions.
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1 October 2013 wilton kennedy ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm a P.A. in migrant/community health. I am intrested in finding out about community partnerships with Hispanics and substance abuse.
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1 October 2013 Cheryl Mason ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Taking a class on community assessment at the University of New Mexico's MPH program
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1 October 2013 Bert Stauff ,
Who I am Use of CTB
My computer system is Windows 98 Gateway. I am anexperienced RN in the third world. I have done multiple short term med. trips. I now am a nursing student at Bethel College in St. Paul MN getting another degree in nursing. I am very interested in short term missions and am doing a research paper on how nurses can effect short term missions especially in the area of discharge teaching in relationship to medicines given out at clinics. Do you have any specific research or other material about that? I find you web site to be an answer to prayer. I have been unable to find really good research articles on nurses and short term medical missions. God Bless Bert Stauff 3755 Lakeland Ave. N Robbinsdale MN 55422
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1 October 2013 Ahmad Alamsyah ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm a director of Indonesian Cooperative Shelter Association (ASPEK). ASPEK's members are community based organizations.
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1 October 2013 Andrew Winters ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Hello Steve: I am presently managing the Diabetes Today National Training Center project, based at R.O.W. Sciences in Rockville, MD. We are funded with a five year grant from the CDC Division of Diabetes Translation. We will be training state Diabetes Control Programs and their partners in community organization and diabetes control and prevention. We are wondering about how we can collaborate with the Community Tool Box and possibly incorporate it into the training we will be doing starting later this year. Please call or e-mail me with your suggestions. I am very curious to know what you have done that might be similar to our efforts and I am very willing to collaborate with you. My work phone is 301-294-5657. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
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1 October 2013 Kathleen Davis ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm browsing the web to see what new communitiy tools that Kansas is working on today. I'm part of the Missouri Department of Health's Community Health Assistance Resource Team. We are always lookin for new ideas. What do you think about the new Dialogue Guide from the Coalition for Healthier Cities and Communities?
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1 October 2013 Jeff Bauer ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a health futurist and medical economist, currently writing a book on telemedicine. I am planning to include a brief description of The Community Toolbox as a sidebar.
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1 October 2013 Joseph Barnhardt ,
Who I am Use of CTB
All I can say is! Excellent, Excellent, Excellent. We are a Not for Profit Organization located in southeastern Arizona. Our facility is a residential care facility for teens, pregnant and unmarried. The information you provided is a wealth of knowledge and was worth all the time researching. May you continually be blessed and have the success of all the best in your endeavors.
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1 October 2013 Jane Gough ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work with Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools as a Subject Area Coordinator in the Department of Vocational, Adult and Community Education, serving as a central office support person for Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Science and Technology, and Tech Prep/Applied Academics. In the Family and Consumer Sciences area, I work with high school child care occupational programs which provide infant/toddler day care for teen parents and community parents who are enrolled in our educational programs in high school or adult education. Our day care centers are supported by Family Resource Centers and all four of these centers are in large part grant-funded. I am always looking for new "community solutions/tools" and your website interested me very much. I heard about your site through being the Tennessee contact person for the AAFCS Early Childhood Initiative. In preparation for our TAFCS Annual Conference next week, I am surfing all sites listed in the Monthly Memo for the Early Childhood Initiative. This may be more than you want to know about me and our interests; but thanks for being among those with children's interests at heart! Jane Gough, CFCS TAFCS VP Cooperative Relations and Chair, TN Early Childhood Initiative
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1 October 2013 susan bingham ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Director of Vashon Island Food Bank. Currently working with other island non-profits to bring dental care to low income/uninsured individuals. Put me on mailing list please Please put me on mailing list for newsletter. Thanks
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1 October 2013 Amy Willcott ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work in a hospital and am the Director of Community Health. We have some innovative programs going here in Denver and I'm interested in learning more about what others are doing.
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1 October 2013 Kay Swindell ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am applying for the job of Medical Coordinator for Onslow Community medical and dental clinics.
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1 October 2013 Jeff Paddock ,
Who I am Use of CTB
MSW, KU, 1977; PhD, U of Tenn, 1995; Lt Col USAF; currently engaged in establishing healthy communities initiatives at 80 USAF bases around the globe; particularly interested in success stories (large and small), lessons learned, and outcome evaluation (for local community members use -- not forr researchers - - although there are opportunities there too). Great site; good rference materials.
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1 October 2013 MaLisa DeLozier- Jackson ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work as a HHA while going to school. I am planning to apply for the PA program at WSU next year.
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1 October 2013 Linda Jo Doctor ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I have an eclectic background in practice/policy/research in moving forward community prevention/devleopment agenda. I previously served as the director of prevention for a state health department and now am setting up a national program office for a new RWJ funded initiative that will support community coalitions addressing asthma.
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1 October 2013 Ruth Stern ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Worked as a Healthy Cities (WHO Euro designated project - Camden) coordinator in the UK for 8 years, now doing a DrPH with my thesis topic on community participation in Healthy Cities projects. Just at the literature search level now. Your tool box will be fantastically useful.
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1 October 2013 Michael Kreek ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I run a company called Vernacular Technology and Techniques and I am E.D. of a non-profit called The Institute for Vernacular Philosophy.
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1 October 2013 Skip Moon ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I supervise Neighborhood Preservation for the City of Overland Park, Kansas. Prior work included 5 years with a Community Development Corporation in Kansas City, MO as the staff planner / project manager. I am constantly looking for sources of community building / development / networking ideas, activities and projects.
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1 October 2013 Dee Allinson ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Trying to raise funds for a mentoring program for youth to prevent substance abuse and other poor choices youth might make.
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1 October 2013 Galen El-Askari ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Community Health Planner and Evaluator
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1 October 2013 Marybeth Curtis ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a Registered Nurse (B.S.N.) and Coordinator for the Health Learning Resource Center at Westark College in Fort Smith, Arkansas. We are currently in the early planning stages for our new 6 million dollar Health Careers Center. Your web site is an invaluable resource. Thank goodness I have found you!
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1 October 2013 mary smith ,
Who I am Use of CTB
student studying community welfare
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1 October 2013 Sharon i. Rogers ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Interested in information on recent/upcoming information
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1 October 2013 Laura Young ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm a student about to graduate from the Rollins School of Public Health.
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1 October 2013 Terry Spencer ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am chairman of our local tenants association and I also chair the federation of tenants associations. Your web pages are an excellent source of information for community groups and well worth a visit. I am sure I will be a regular visitor. Good luck and best wishes.
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1 October 2013 angela napili ,
Who I am Use of CTB
This is a wonderful site. I work for the Community Connector We added your Grantwriting Guide to our funding resources page. Thanks!
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1 October 2013 retta kelley ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Am a life long journalist and newspaper manager, currently working as the community development director at the Austin American Statesman in Austin. We are in the midst of refining what we do with our philanthropic efforts through the newspaper. I am looking for some training that will help me in facilitating community groups as a convenor, and in learning how to assess outcomes.
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1 October 2013 cynthia mense ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am teaching a class on community nutrition which includes grantwriting. I am currently planning to write a grant for a food pantry.
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1 October 2013 Felicia Brown ,
Who I am Use of CTB
South Carolina Healthy Communities Coordinator
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1 October 2013 MaryPat Randall ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Resource Coach for Interlochen Community Resource Center, a school-based family support network. My background is public health nursing and advocacy.
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1 October 2013 Carol Flock ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a Family and Consumer Science teacher who is very interested in Brain research of the young child. I feel we need to be doing more in our communities for the young child and their parents so they will be ready for learning. Prenatal care and early child development is a preventive measure to many of the social, emotional, and cognitive development of a child later in life. I am interested in grants which would be available to our communities for a early childhood project.
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1 October 2013 Bernadine Young ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the Coordinator of Cape Ann Sustainable Communities serving Gloucester, Rockport, Essex and Manchester. We promote social, economic and environmental projects, and believe that actively supporting the development of a sustainable environment on Cape Ann is fundamental to achieving socal and economic justice for all. We are currently working on water resource protection with state and local officials to encourage them to adopt decision making processes that increase and benefit from citizen input. I am looking for a facilitator for three upcoming regional meetings with our partner organizations, businesses, local and state officals and concerned citizens. Can you help me? Thanks, Bernadine
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1 October 2013 Laurie Dewey ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a special education teacher who is planning an alternative classroom for high school students with disabilities and substance abuse issues.
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1 October 2013 Sue MacLatchie ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work as a community developer in a community health centre in Ottawa, Canada. We work with community groups on issues such as community safety, a local recreation facility, etc.
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1 October 2013 Michele Corey ,
Who I am Use of CTB
We are a partner in the Kids Count in Michigan Project, with the specific focus of making the Kids Count data more relevant, useful, and USED BY community advocates to change local, state, and federal policy making affecting children.
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1 October 2013 Eynes Mendez ,
Who I am Use of CTB
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; For the last twelve years I have been studying the issue of housing.&nbsp;&nbsp;What I have found out is that the whole issue of housing is private.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In 1873, a US court prohibited a state from carrying out any housing activities.&nbsp;&nbsp;After the stock market crash, because the nation was in economic distress, our government felt compelled to promote business, another thing our courts had prohibited a government from doing.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In 1936, to put people to work, they noticed a deteriorating housing stock and determined they would promote the housing industry.&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a catch, though.&nbsp;&nbsp;Because both the promotion of business and housing was off limit to them, they decided to channel the money through private organizations that had governmental powers<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Currently, we are studying the laws that will allow us to become independent from government control and allow us to acquire governmental powers to get things done.
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1 October 2013 Frank Thompson ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Strategic Planner for Kansas City, MO Health Dept.
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1 October 2013 Denise Prescott ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I have just started working as Community Development Coordinator to find ways to suport existing collaborations and build on them, focusing on youth and prevention issues. It's been great and I'd love to hear how other partnerships are working.
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1 October 2013 susan mickelson ,
Who I am Use of CTB
am doing work in a volunteer program and would like to start some mor e programs to help our familys in need am a mother with 11 children of my own and truely have a heart for people and special the ones who need a helping hand
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1 October 2013 Gregory Batt ,
Who I am Use of CTB
In the research phase of creating a Community Incubation Centre. The intent is not to focus on a single industry or business sector, but to create or use models that assist with the renewal and reinvention of the community as a whole - build a structure or an enabling process that permits members of the community to use their collective community intelligence - any references you can send along on this topic of community incubation or similar models will be very helpful cheers
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1 October 2013 Max Wilson ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Executive Director, Shawnee Regional Prevention and Recovery Services, Topeka, KS
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1 October 2013 Cynthia Sosnowski ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the director of Cape May County Healthy Community Coalition Blueprints 2000 project. We are a federally funded county wide prevention initiative. Our mission is to provide whatever resources are needed to help current prevention projects in our county do their work better.
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1 October 2013 Thamar Figueroa ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am social worker that has been working for a Salvadoran not for profit organization (FUSAL)in the areas of community development, specially in the areas of rural health, nutrition and sanitation.
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1 October 2013 Eavens Matlapeng ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a student in Dalhousie University working on a Resource guide about Teenage pregnancy and community development. I found your website very resourceful. Origional I am from Botswana in Southern Africa. I am in Canada for education
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1 October 2013 Virginia Martinez ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Staff member of International Center for Health Leadership Development (Kellogg Foundation funded) at University of Illinois at Chicago.
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1 October 2013 Lori-Anne Russo ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I would like to get involved in a discussion group. Can you tell me how?
