What is a community champion? ___A community champion is a person who works hard and well to start and/or support an initiative or intervention, to bring a program or idea to reality, or to otherwise improve the quality of life of a particular group or of the community as a whole Why honor community champions? ___It creates an example for the rest of the community to follow ___It provides an occasion to highlight and explain community issues ___It demonstrates that even one person can be an effective agent for change, and encourages democratic action ___It makes not only that person, but others engaged in community service feel that they and their work are valued and appreciated ___It shows the community who the real heroes are ___It can help to prepare the community for future initiatives Who should honor community champions? ___Health and human service agencies ___Local coalitions or initiatives ___Local, or local branches of state and national advocacy organizations that focus on the disadvantaged, the environment, health and social issues, or other community concerns ___United Way and other charitable organizations ___Schools ___Self-constituted citizen oversight or advocacy groups ___Neighborhood associations When should you honor community champions? ___When a goal is achieved in which the honoree has been deeply involved ___On a regular basis ___On appropriate special occasions related to their work How do you honor community champions? ___Consider your resources ___Determine your procedures for selecting and notifying honorees ___Involve the media ___Personalize the occasion ___Give the honoree something ___Record the occasion ___Choose an appropriate method: Issue a press release Hold a press conference Announce community champions on your website Voice a public thank-you Write or get published a newspaper article or editorial focusing on the person 's contribution to the community Present a small gift or award at a public event Present a major, unique award or gift, where the presentation is either the reason for the event, or an important element of it Have a party Hold a roast Regularly schedule community champion awards ___Continue to honor community champions forever