Chapter 44. | Section 2.

Section 2. Establishing Micro-grant Programs

___You and your organization have decided to establish a mini-grants program

___You have decided on your purpose and your goals for the program

___You know whom you want to reach and what your desired outcome is

___You have developed a planning committee and a review committee

___The guidelines that are developed are as simple as possible

___These guidelines reflect the best interests of your organization and the community

___You have developed a mini-grant application form

___The application is relatively short, but it contains the key questions

___The availability of the grants has been announced and publicized

___When the applications were received, they were reviewed by the committee

___A score was given to each application using a rating sheet

___You have awarded the grant to the best suited applicant

___After the grants have been given out, the monitoring committee has helped to keep the projects on course

___You have received a final report or product by the target date that was originally set

___You have evaluated how well the program went, making changes when necessary

___You are prepared to repeat the grant cycle