___You understand what a concerns survey is ___You understand how a concerns survey is part of the concerns report method ___You understand the reasons why you might want to conduct a concerns survey ___You understand that a concerns survey should usually be done with a broad cross-section of the community as a whole ___You have considered the budget and decided what sort of resources and supplies you'll need to complete the survey ___You have put together a working group to develop the survey ___You have met with your working group to come up with survey items ___Invite selected decision makers to submit additional survey items ___You have prepared your survey questions, using two types of questions for every selected issue: how important the issue is to citizens and how much satisfaction citizens have with the community's efforts on the issue ___You have narrowed your list of survey items down to approximately 30 ___You have decided what demographic information to ask for in the survey ___You have gathered the items you'll need to do a direct mailing ___You have completed the cover letter ___You have made enough copies of the survey, demographic sheet, and cover letter for each survey recipient ___You have prepared and stamped the two business-size envelopes for each person ___You have stuffed the envelopes that have the recipient's mailing address with all the survey material ___ If you want to track the surveys in any way, you have coded your envelopes ___You have mailed your surveys out, by bulk mail if possible ___You have considered whether to employ any other methods of distributing or collecting surveys ___You have gathered incoming surveys collected at participating site ___You have reviewed returned surveys, checking for incomplete surveys or those returned for having an improper mailing address ___You have secured a larger return, if necessary ___You have figured out the results by averaging the importance and satisfaction reported for each item or issue ___You have written a brief report summarizing the strengths and problems as well as an overall approval rating for the community based on the average satisfaction score for all items and identifying five to ten strengths and five to ten problems in terms of health risks, services, and public perceptions of health ___You have shared this information with your staff, gotten their feedback, and discussed whether any further surveying needs to be done before completing ___You have conducted a public meeting to discuss the results and brainstorm for solutions ___You have written a one-page narrative for each issue discussed by the group ___You have written a concerns report consisting of an executive memo, brief report, data table, the problem-solving discussion report, demographic data and other displays, and suggestions on how to use the report in the planning process Contributor Chris Hampton