___You understand that risk and protective factors are aspects of a person's environment that make it more likely (risk factors) or less likely (protective factors) that she will experience a given problem. You understand that risk factors for adolescent substance use include: ___Economic deprivation ___Availability of substances ___Family history of drug abuse ___Academic failure ___Having friends who use drugs You understand that protective factors for substance use include: ___Bonding with non-users ___Skills training ___Healthy beliefs and clear standards You understand that you should talk about risk and protective factors with community members for the following reasons: ___To focus on prevention ___To focus on costs ___To focus on benefits ___To focus on awareness You understand how to talk about risk and protective factors: ___You know the important risk and protective factors for your issue. ___You have documented each risk or protective factor. ___You have decided exactly what you want to achieve by talking about risk and protective factors (enhance knowledge or convince people to take action). ___You have chosen your battle. ___You know your audience, and have tailored your message to those with whom you are communicating. ___You have thought about what else you are saying. ___You have decided what form of communication is most appropriate and feasible. ___You have evaluated what you have done.