Develop successful strategies: ___You can form a planning group to develop strategies Find potential members: ___Community leaders ___Members of other local organizations ___Those affected by the issue or problem ___Representatives of local ethnic and cultural groups Create a supportive environment: ___A safe and comfortable building, neighborhood site ___Create an open forum for all to participate Determine/review targets and agents of change: ___Be inclusive of those experiences, at risk for, and contributing to the issue ___Determine risk and protective factors affecting the issue ___Review vision, mission, and objectives Brainstorm the best strategies: ___Determine potential obstacles ___Strategize to get around obstacles ___Identify how agents of change will help ___Decide when strategies will affect targets of change ___Determine if you will work on repairing or preventing problems ___Ensure strategies decrease risk factors, and increase protective factors ___Make sure strategies will address entire problem or issue Do the strategies meet the criteria? ___Give overall direction ___Fit resources and opportunities ___Minimize resistance and barriers ___Reach those affected ___Advance the mission