Developing a Framework or Model of Change

Resources/ Citations

Cato, Chen, & Corbett-Perez (1998). Logic Model: A Tool for Planning and Evaluating Health and Recreation Prevention Projects. JOPERD--The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, Vol. 69, 1998

Collie-Akers, V., Landry, S., Ehule, N.J. et al. Enhancing the Capacity of Local Health Departments to Address Birth Equity: The Institute for Equity in Birth Outcomes. Matern Child Health J 25, 1010–1018 (2021).

Hogan, C., & Murphey, D. (2002). Outcomes: Reframing responsibility for well-being. A report to the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Baltimore, MD: Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Kirby, Douglas (2001). Emerging Answers: Research Findings On Programs to Reduce Teen Pregnancy.

Kirby, Douglas (2002). The Impact of Schools and School Programs upon Adolescent Sexual BehaviorJournal of Sexual Research 39: 27 - 33

Landry, S., Collie-Akers, V., Foster, K. et al. Assessing the Development of Collective Impact Initiatives Addressing Maternal and Child Health. Matern Child Health J 24, 405–411 (2020).

Ploeg, J., Dobbins, M., Hayward, S., Ciliska, D., Thomas, H., & Underwood, J. (1996). Effectiveness of community development projects