What is a CHIP? ___A CHIP is a Community Health Improvement Process that can also be used for building a healthy community. ___CHIP is slightly different from other similar processes in that it incorporates accountability into the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the community health efforts it fosters. Why use a CHIP? ___It takes a community perspective. ___It’s inclusive and participatory. ___It demands a comprehensive view of health. ___It sees equity as key. ___It’s flexible. ___It builds in accountability. ___It builds in performance monitoring. ___It can incorporate or fit in with other models. ___It sees the process as ongoing and long-term. Who should be part of a CHIP? ___Those who are directly affected by the issue at hand. ___Those whose lives or jobs will be affected by the CHIP effort. ___Change agents. ___Influential people. ___Community members at large. How do you implement a CHIP? ___Incorporate IOM’s general guidelines. Define health broadly. Develop specific quantitative measures and hold responsible groups accountable to them. Balance long- and short-term goals. Include all stakeholders and other potential contributors to the work in assessment, planning, and implementation. A CHIP should be centered in a community health coalition or similar entity. State and local public health agencies should assure that a community health improvement process is in place in all communities. State health agencies, in cooperation and collaboration with local health departments, should assure the availability of community-level data needed for health profiles. States and the federal government should require that appropriate private entities report standard data on their enrolled populations, to facilitate the CHIP. ___Form an inclusive, participatory coalition or coordinating group, or tie into one that already exists. ___Do your research. ___Identify the issue(s) you’re going to work on. ___Analyze the issue(s) carefully. ___Take stock of potential resources, particularly those already available in the community. ___Develop a strategic plan and action plans to carry it out. ___Agree on who will be accountable for which parts of the plan. ___Work out how accountability will be monitored. ___Implement your strategy. ___Monitor both the process and the outcomes of your effort. ___Maintain your gains. ___Start the cycle again, with another issue.