Chapter 33. | Section 18.

Section 18. Organizing a Strike

___You understand what a strike is

___You know why you want to organize and how to negotiate a strike

___You notified the national offices, and made sure you'll be able to update and report throughout the duration of the strike

___You have set up committees to handle the various planning responsibilities for the strike:

  • General strike committee
  • Negotiating committee
  • Picketing committee
  • Publicity committee
  • Financial/fundraising committee

___You came up with a budget including all strike expenses

___You made a list of demands including:

  • What you want
  • Why you are threatening to strike
  • Why you want what you want
  • A guarantee that striking workers will not suffer any negative consequences

___You have negotiated as much as you can before picketing

If negotiations fail...

___You got your picketers out

___You have negotiated further with management until you reach a mutual conclusion