Chapter 23. | Section 4.

Section 4. Extending Opportunities for the Poor

What do we mean by extending opportunities for the poor?

We can create opportunities for the poor in the areas of



___Life Skills


___Social connectedness

___The way to bring the planning of opportunities to reality is through advocacy.

Why extend opportunities for the poor?

___Any civilized society has an obligation to help its poorest members

___Decreasing poverty adds to the workforce

___Fewer poor people reduces the tax burden on everyone

___Decreasing poverty means increasing the number of consumers, and thereby strengthening the overall economy

___Adults rising out of poverty can break a generational cycle

___Reducing poverty decreases medical costs

___Reducing poverty increases diversity in all sectors of society

___Providing opportunities for the poor gives more people a stake in the society

___Providing opportunities for the poor increases equity

___Providing opportunities for the poor can improve their and their children's lives

When should you work to extend opportunities for the poor?

___When there's an election approaching

___When a comprehensive new initiative is starting

___When publicity about poverty or other issues opens doors to opportunity

___When there's a crisis that people simply can't ignore

Who should work to extend opportunities for the poor?


___Private funders

___Community institutions


___Human service or other non-profit or community-based organizations

___Grass roots or other community groups and community members

How do you extend opportunities for the poor?

___Some general guidelines for creating opportunities for the poor

  • Assess the needs of the population you're concerned with
  •  Where possible, enlist the people you hope to benefit in the planning process
  • Treat people with respect
  • Devise opportunities that set clear and reachable goals, where participants can see the changes they've made
  • Provide the emotional and psychological support necessary for people to change their way of thinking about the world and their place in it
  • Provide the survival support necessary for people to make the transition to the next step
  • Leave people enough time to make the change

___Provide employment opportunities

  • Pre-employment skills training
  • Career counseling
  • Employment training
  • Actual employment
  • Social entrepreneurship and micro-credit

___Provide educational opportunities

  • Basic education and ESOL
  • Post-secondary education
  • Education for the children of poverty

___Provide training in life skills

  • Economic literacy
  • Parenting and other family obligations
  • Health information and healthy practices
  • Civic participation
  • General counseling

___Provide other opportunities

  • Affordable housing
  • Providing capital
  • Preference for low-income applicants