What do we mean by extending opportunities for the poor? We can create opportunities for the poor in the areas of ___Employment ___Education ___Life Skills ___Survival ___Social connectedness ___The way to bring the planning of opportunities to reality is through advocacy. Why extend opportunities for the poor? ___Any civilized society has an obligation to help its poorest members ___Decreasing poverty adds to the workforce ___Fewer poor people reduces the tax burden on everyone ___Decreasing poverty means increasing the number of consumers, and thereby strengthening the overall economy ___Adults rising out of poverty can break a generational cycle ___Reducing poverty decreases medical costs ___Reducing poverty increases diversity in all sectors of society ___Providing opportunities for the poor gives more people a stake in the society ___Providing opportunities for the poor increases equity ___Providing opportunities for the poor can improve their and their children's lives When should you work to extend opportunities for the poor? ___When there's an election approaching ___When a comprehensive new initiative is starting ___When publicity about poverty or other issues opens doors to opportunity ___When there's a crisis that people simply can't ignore Who should work to extend opportunities for the poor? ___Government ___Private funders ___Community institutions ___Business ___Human service or other non-profit or community-based organizations ___Grass roots or other community groups and community members How do you extend opportunities for the poor? ___Some general guidelines for creating opportunities for the poor Assess the needs of the population you're concerned with Where possible, enlist the people you hope to benefit in the planning process Treat people with respect Devise opportunities that set clear and reachable goals, where participants can see the changes they've made Provide the emotional and psychological support necessary for people to change their way of thinking about the world and their place in it Provide the survival support necessary for people to make the transition to the next step Leave people enough time to make the change ___Provide employment opportunities Pre-employment skills training Career counseling Employment training Actual employment Social entrepreneurship and micro-credit ___Provide educational opportunities Basic education and ESOL Post-secondary education Education for the children of poverty ___Provide training in life skills Economic literacy Parenting and other family obligations Health information and healthy practices Civic participation General counseling ___Provide other opportunities Affordable housing Providing capital Preference for low-income applicants