What do we mean by increasing access?
___Changing attitudes within our organization or initiative
___Changing the way we communicate with others
___Changing physical things, such as the structure of the spaces we use and the formats in which we present information
Why should you make your organization or initiative more accessible?
___It's simply the right thing to do
___Makes for a larger pool of potential volunteers, members, and staff
___Increase diversity in your initiative or organization
___Makes it possible for more people to make use of any services or programs you provide
When should you make your organization or initiative more accessible?
___With the advent of the Americans with Disabilities Act, it's also the law
___When you are looking to increase your numbers of volunteers, members, or staff.
___When you are thinking about new spaces
___When you're planning a conference, retreat, or some other special gathering
Who can help you increase access?
___Local Independent Living Centers (ILC's)
___Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers (DBTAC)
___People with disabilities in your community
How do you go about increasing access?
___Change attitudes within your organization or initiative
___Change the way you communicate with regard to disabilities
___Change the physical structure of the spaces we use and make information available in alternative formats