Example: Personal testimonies A school-based program to connect caring adults with youths in Kansas City conducted a satisfaction survey with their volunteer mentors. Some of the answers from that survey illustrate how important and rewarding it is to mentor youths: "They [the children] have the opportunity to interact with adults. Hopefully, we serve as role models for these children. They know they have a friend that will listen to them." "It has been interesting and fun working with the children. I have learned so much from them and I think they've learned a few things from me, too." "It was a successful experience for both of us. They experience people who care about them. My protégé is going to Middle School next year and she called me at work to say she didn't want to lose me." "It makes [the children] feel better about themselves and hopefully will help them in their approach to their school work." "It increases their feeling of self-worth. Gives them someone to talk to. The children are wonderful and I get more from them then I give." "It gives them the opportunity to communicate their ideas, wants, fears, and experiences to an adult who has made time just form them. It gives them a sense of being special and the knowledge that they are important." "A lasting friendship has developed." "The kids were benefited greatly and looked forward to our meetings. They provided opportunity to grow in a positive manner." "Feedback from the teacher on improvements seen in the students made the experience very rewarding." "My tutoring was reading. We set a goal --and we made it! I feel my student looked forward to our sessions, he was well prepared. I think he benefited from the experience." "I feel the students get the attention they might be lacking. I feel it is a positive influence for the students."