Chapter 13. | Section 5.

Section 5. Developing a Community Leadership Corps: A Model for Service-Learning

What is service-learning?

___Service-learning is an educational method that emphasizes learning through community service

What is a community leadership corps?

___A community leadership corps connects students with an organization or initiative in his or her community

Why develop a community leadership corps?

___Provide educational experience for students

___Teach positive values, leadership, citizenship, and personal responsibility

___Encourage students to become active community members

___Teach job skills to students

___Contribute your outreach efforts to local community, the state, and beyond

___Increase school-community collaboration

___Help with community education

___Contribute many hours of service to people in need, non-profit agencies, private sector companies, and governmental agencies

When is a good time to develop a community leadership corps?

___A community leadership corps may be most useful for you after your organization has created its strategic plan and developed relationships with strategic partners

Who should be involved in developing a community leadership corps?

___The institution or organization that recruits and supports the students or youth

___The individual organizations where the students or youth will be placed

How do you go about developing a community leadership corps?

___If possible, secure resources and support

___Identify host organizations and any additional partners

___Identify host organization needs

___Recruit students

___Identify student interests

___Train students

___Match students with host organizations

___Monitor and support students during their placements

___Allow students, hosts, and sponsors to reflect on the experience
