Chapter 2. | Section 15.

Section 15. The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps Take Action Cycle

Tool # 1: County Health Rankings Webinars

County Health Rankings offers numerous webinars on a variety of topics, including “Rankings 101,” “Putting County Health Rankings Into Action,” “Rankings Methodology and New Measures,” “County Health Rankings – Special In-depth Topics,” “County Health Roadmaps,” and “Take Action Cycle Webinar Series.”

Tool # 2: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps What Works for Health

What Works for Health is an easy-to-use, searchable menu of policies and programs focusing on factors that make communities healthier places to live, learn, work and play. You can choose a health factor of interest (i.e. tobacco use, employment, access to health care, environmental quality) and browse through the evidence ratings for particular programs, policies, or system changes that address the particular health factor of interest.

Together, the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps and the new What Works for Health give you a profile of your county’s health, guidance to take action, and information on evidence-informed strategies that can make your community a healthier place.