___You understand that a fact sheet is a single sheet of paper listing important facts about the issue. ___You understand the reasons that you might want to make a fact sheet. ___You understand what types of people can be targeted with a fact sheet. ___You have thought about what message you want the facts to convey. ___You have thought about what audience your fact sheet will be aimed at. ___You have found your facts. ___You have verified your facts by making sure they come from reputable sources and are up-to-date. ___You have narrowed down the facts and decided which ones you're going to use. ___You have decided how you want to lay your fact sheet out. ___You have cited your sources. ___You have explained what the facts mean, if necessary. ___You have avoided overdoing percentages, stretching the truth, using unscientific surveys or polls, repetition, or inundating the reader with too many facts.