Chapter 3. | Section 4.

Section 4. Collecting Information About the Problem

You understand why it is important to collect information about the problem:

___To know the facts.

___To be seen as a credible, effective organization.

___Because awareness leads to change.

How do you collect this information?

___Agree on the value and purpose of the information that you will collect.

___Determine when you want to use this data.

___Determine exactly what you want to know.

___Determine who will find the information.

___Identify possible sources of information.

___Set limits as to how much data you want to collect.

___Collect the data.

___Identify gaps in your knowledge.

___Redo the process to try to fill those gaps, or collect your own data.

___Compare data for your community with that of others, or with national data.

Collecting new information:

___Follow the steps above.

___Identify the method that is best suited to your purposes.

___Decide if you want to inform the public of what you are doing.

___Train the people who will be collecting the data.

___Report and use your findings.

Understand the limitations of the information:

___Obtain your data from enough people to make your results worthwhile.

___Be sure your information is in context.