Indicator Topic Field Model Domain Data Sources Sociodemographic Characteristics Age and race/ethnicity Social environment (behavior, genetics) Census; intercensal estimates Groups whose access to community services or resources may be limited Social environment (behavior, physical environment, prosperity) Census; intercensal estimates Educational attainment (high school graduation) Social environment (behavior, physical environment, prosperity, well-being) Census; intercensal estimates High school dropouts Social environment (disease, behavior, physical environment, prosperity) Local school districts Household income Prosperity (behavior, social environment, physical environment, health care, health and function) Census; intercensal estimates Children in poverty Social environment, prosperity (behavior, physical environment, health care, health and function) Census; intercensal estimates Unemployment rate Social environment, prosperity (behavior, physical environment, health care, health and function, well-being) State employment security office Single-parent families Social environment (behavior, physical environment, health care, prosperity, well-being) Census; intercensal estimates Persons without health insurance Social environment, health care (disease, health and function, prosperity) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (special sampling) Infant mortality Disease, genetics, social environment, behavior, physical environment, health care, prosperity State vital records Death rates, overall and for selected causes Disease, genetics, behavior, social environment, physical environment, health care, prosperity State vital records Incidence of AIDS, measles, tuberculosis, syphilis Disease, behavior, social environment, health care (prosperity, health and function, well-being) State communicable disease records Births to adolescents Behavior, social environment (prosperity, well-being) State vital records Child abuse and neglect Behavior, social environment (disease, physical environment, health care, well-being) State or local child protection agency records Health Risk Factors Preschool immunization Behavior, health care (social environment, prosperity) Community survey; retrospective estimates from school entry records; immunization registry Older adult immunization Behavior, health care (social environment, prosperity) Medicare claims files; health plan records Prevalence of smoking Disease, behavior, social environment, physical environment, health and function (health care, prosperity) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (special sampling) Prevalence of obesity Behavior, health and function (genetics, social environment, health care, well-being) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (special sampling) Air quality Disease, physical environment (social environment, well-being) State environmental quality agency; local air quality management agency Water quality (for recreational uses) Physical environment (behavior, social environment, well-being) State environmental quality agency Health Care Resource Consumption Per capita Medicare spending Health care, prosperity Health Care Financing Administration Functional Status Self-reported health status Health and function, well-being Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (special sampling) Recent poor health Health and function, well-being Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (special sampling) Quality of Life Satisfaction with health care system Health care, well-being (social environment, prosperity, health and function) Community survey Satisfaction with quality of life Well-being (behavior, social environment, physical environment, health care, prosperity, health and function