Supports Primary Community Tool Box Supports for this Process: Toolkit: Improving Organizational Management and Development Troubleshooting Guide: There is no clear direction or communication within the group. Developing an Organizational Structure for the Initiative Becoming an Effective Manager 1. Assess organizational needs and resources and develop goals to enhance the functioning of the organization. The group regularly assesses organizational strengths and weaknesses. The group regularly assesses organizational resources and community assets. The group regularly identifies organizational needs or barriers. Core Supports: SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Conducting Focus Groups Creating Objectives Conducting Needs Assessment Surveys Identifying Community Assets and Resources Understanding People’s Needs Rating Member Satisfaction 2. Develop an organizational structure. Establish a clear governing structure appropriate for the goals of the organization and its stage of development. Establish a clearly defined structure or method for operating to support the functions and activities of the organization or group. There are formal roles and responsibilities established for all levels of the organizational structure. The group regularly reviews the structure of the organization to identify potential needs. Core Supports: Organizational Structure: An Overview Creating and Gathering a Group to Guide Your Initiative Developing Multisector Task Forces or Action Committees for the Initiative Developing an Ongoing Board of Directors Maintaining a Board of Directors Including Youth on Your Board, Commission, or Committee 3. Establish operating mechanisms for doing things within the organization. The organization has bylaws. The organization has a document that summarizes the responsibilities and procedures of the organization including protocols and rules for decision making, information sharing, conflict resolution, and financial policies. The group uses and regularly reviews the operational procedures and makes any necessary changes. The group holds regular and consistent meetings at all appropriate levels. There is a clear method and protocol for communication in the organization across multiple levels. The organization appropriately documents and records organizational activities. The group has adequate access to technology including communication technology needed computer equipment and software. The group has an appropriate working environment and sufficient resources necessary to support the operations of the group. Core Supports: Writing Bylaws Promoting Internal Communication Conducting Effective Meetings Understanding and Writing Contracts and Memoranda of Agreement Training for Conflict Resolution Developing a Management Plan Day-to-Day Maintenance of an Organization Using Principles of Persuasion 4. Determine how volunteers will be recruited and used in the organization. Decide whether volunteers are appropriate to be used in the organization at the current stage of development. The organization has a process or plan for identifying and recruiting volunteers. The organization or group recruits volunteers with diverse skills, professional expertise, background, and experience. The organization provides orientation, training, and supervision for all volunteers. All volunteer positions have written roles and responsibilities that are clearly stated. Volunteers are screened as appropriate for their roles and responsibilities in the organization. There is a process for ensuring that volunteers are matched with appropriate volunteer opportunities that maximize the interest, skills, knowledge, expertise, and experience of the volunteers. The organization has identified and protected volunteers from any liabilities. Core Supports: Developing a Plan for Involving Volunteers Recruiting Volunteers Developing Volunteer Orientation Programs Developing Training Programs for Volunteers Developing a Plan for Increased Participation in Community Action Methods of Contacting Potential Participants Writing Letters to Potential Participants Making Personal Contact with Potential Participants Providing Supervision for Staff and Volunteers Providing Support for Staff and Volunteers 5. Determine how the organization will recruit, hire, and use paid employees. The organization has identified which roles and responsibilities are better served by staff, consultants, and/or volunteers. The organization has written job descriptions and responsibilities for all paid positions. The organization has a fair process and written protocol for recruiting and hiring staff and consultants. The organization regularly identifies the training and technical support needs of staff and develops ongoing plans to assure necessary training or technical support for staff members. The organization has an appropriate division of labor in which tasks are appropriately delegated to staff and other paid positions. All staff are adequately supervised and supported and have some form of accountability for work performance. The organization formally recognizes and rewards the performance and contributions of volunteers. Core Supports: Organizational Structure: An Overview Developing a Plan for Staff Hiring and Training Preparing Job Descriptions and Selection Criteria Advertising for Positions Interviewing for Positions Developing Personnel Policies Choosing a Consultant Choosing Evaluators Providing Supervision for Staff and Volunteers Providing Support for Staff and Volunteers Honoring Community Champions 6. Evaluate and recognize the performance of staff and volunteers. The organization formally recognizes and rewards the performance and accomplishments of staff on a regular basis. Volunteers and staff are given formal opportunities to regularly assess/provide feedback to management regarding the group. There is a clear evaluation process used by the group to assess performance of staff and volunteers (including board members. Establish clear benchmarks and a written statement for all staff and volunteers (including board members) regarding how individual performance will be measured and assessed Core Supports: Honoring Colleagues Developing a Management Plan Providing Supervision for Staff and Volunteers Providing Support for Staff and Volunteers Day-to-Day Maintenance of an Organization Achieving and Maintaining Quality Performance Obtaining and Using Feedback from Participants 7. Monitor financial resources of the organization. The organization has clearly identified and written roles and responsibilities for the governing structure and staff for monitoring the financial resources of the organization. The organization has an operational budget that indicates all income and expenses from all revenue sources. Written policies and procedures are established and followed to assure appropriate financial procedures and fiscal controls. The organization or group has identified an appropriate level for cash operating reserves. The governing structure of the organization understands the financial position of the organization and regularly reviews financial statements and reports. Conduct regular audit and review of financial records by a finance professional with no vested interest in the organization. The governing body monitor requires financial reports and assures reporting requirements of appropriate federal and state agencies and funding agencies are appropriately filed and submitted. The organization has and uses a plan for securing financial resources for the organization. Core Supports: Toolkit: Sustaining the Work or Initiative Toolkit: Applying for Grants Developing a Plan for Financial Sustainability Creating a Business Plan Developing a Committee to Help with Financial Sustainability Applying for a Grant: The General Approach Writing a Grant Planning and Writing an Annual Budget Managing your Money Handling Accounting Creating a Financial and Audit Committee Marketing the Initiative to Secure Financial Support Becoming a Line Item in an Existing Budget Acquiring Public Funding