How to solicit in-kind support
Before you begin
___Discuss your non-cash resource needs.
___Think about soliciting in-kind support in order to replace your dollar spending.
Planning to Solicit In-Kind Support
___Plan how you will approach members of your community and ask for non-cash resources.
___Balance how much time and money you will spend with potential loss or gain of resources or good will. If your risks are too great, revise your plan to solicit less.
___Think positively and creatively!
___Complete an in-kind donor prospect profile before you make your pitch to potential donors to be better prepared and focused.
___Set clear goals for your group's campaign.
While Soliciting
___Regularly discuss your progress in building resources
___Keep track of your successes and failures, and measure your progress.
After Soliciting
___When you receive an in-kind donation, put a dollar value on it!
___Make sure one person in your group is responsible for tracking in-kind donations each month and writing thank you notes to your donors.