Chapter 20. | Section 11.

Section 11. Implementing a Neighborhood Watch

Tool 1: Suspect Description Checklist

  • Sex (male or female):
  • Race (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc.):
  • Complexion (dark, light, rugged, etc.)
  • Age (mid-twenties, thirties, forties, etc.)
  • Height (estimate in 2 inch blocks; for example: between 6'0" and 6'2")
  • Weight (estimate in blocks of 10 pounds)
  • Build (large, medium, stocky, thin, etc.)
  • Hair (red, brown, thick, thin, balding, beard, etc.)
  • Clothing (type, color, style - start at the top and work down: hat, coat, shirt, pants, shoes)
  • Other Features (visible tattoos or piercings, glasses, etc.)
  • Direction of Travel (north, south, east, west, name of street if possible)

Tool 2: Vehicle Description Checklist

  • Color (be as specific as possible; dark, medium, light blue, etc.)
  • Year (if you can get it, but not necessary)
  • Make (Ford, Toyota, etc.)
  • Model (Accord, Mustang, Camry, etc.)
  • Body Type (two-door, convertible, station wagon, etc.)
  • License Number (get state too, if possible)
  • Other (bumper stickers, dents, etc.)
  • Direction of Travel (North, South, East, West, name of street)

Tool 3: Suspicious Activity Log

Address of suspicious activity: ______________________

Date Time Style and make of car State and License Number Color and Year of car Repeat visitor Description of person(s) Description of activity Reported to Date and Time Case Officer Name and Number