Tool: Opinion Poll
Here's a general poll about local issues in a community that you can use when gathering information on opinions.
Instructions: Please complete the following survey and return in the enclosed postage -paid envelope. All answers will be kept confidential and will be used for statistical purpose only.
- Generally speaking, what do you think is the most important problem facing our state today?
___Economy (go to 2)
___Agriculture (go to 4)
___Environment (go to 4)
___Don't know (go to 4)
___Other - specify __________(go to 4)
- If your answer was ECONOMY for the above question, then what part of the economy do you think is the biggest part of the for us now?
___Interest rates
___Budget deficit
___Other - specify__________
___Don't know
- In general, how good a job would you say the local legislature is doing in solving your economic problems?
- How do you feel about an income tax break for school tuition? This would be a tax break for parents who send their children to private or parochial schools must pay tuition.
___Favor (go to 5)
___Oppose (go to 6)
___Don't know (go to 6)
- Would you favor an income tax break for tuition even if it reduced the money available for public schools?
___Don't know
- Some people think current environmental policy hinders the community's economic growth. Others do not think so. Do you think current environmental policy hinders economic growth?
___Hinders growth a great deal
___Somewhat hinders growth
___Has no effect
___Helps growth somewhat
___Helps growth a great deal
___Don't know
- One issue of current concern is the new wastewater disposal policy under consideration by the Legislature. How concerned about this issue are you?
___Greatly concerned
___Moderately concerned
___Slightly concerned
___Not concerned at all
___Don't know
- Regardless of how you may vote in the upcoming election, do you generally consider yourself to be a Democrat, Republican or Independent?
___Independent (go to 9)
___Democrat (go to 10)
___Republican (go to 10)
___Don't know (go to 10)
- Do you generally consider yourself to be closer to the Democratic or Republican parties?
___Still don't know
- When it comes to receiving information on local current events, which information source do you rely the most? (choose only ONE)
___Other - specify __________
- What is the highest level of education you have completed?
___Some high school
___High school diploma or GED
___Some college
___Bachelor's Degree
___Other - specify __________
What year were you born? __________
- What was your reported income year, before taxes?
___Under $25,000
___Between $25,000 and $40,000
___Over $40,000