Establishing a Vision and Mission


1. Convene key stakeholders to guide the development of the group’s vision and mission.

  • Engage key leaders and stakeholders in the development of the vision statement by providing an express what was important, including to the people in the community and other stakeholders.
  • The group has engaged key leaders and stakeholders in the development of the mission statement by providing opportunity to express what the group was going to do and why, including the people in the community and other stakeholders.

Core Supports:

2. Establish a vision statement based on ideas that are proposed and accepted by members of the group.

The group has a written vision statement (usually a few words) for the initiative that is clear, concise, and positive.

  • The vision statement communicates the dream or ideal conditions for the community.
  • The vision statement is understood and shared by members of the community and other stakeholders.

Core Supports:

3. Establish a mission statement based on ideas that are proposed and accepted by members of the group.

  • The group has a written mission statement for the initiative.
  • The mission statement communicates the outcome or end that the group has in mind and the broad approaches used to get there.

Core Supports:

4. Review the vision and mission statements for relevance and consistency with the organization’s purpose, and make adjustments as necessary.

  • The final vision and mission statement(s) were reviewed and approved by the group for consistency with the group’s purpose.
  • The group regularly reviews the vision and mission statements and makes necessary adjustments

Core Supports:

5. Apply and use the vision and mission statements.

  • Members of the group can recite or paraphrase the mission statements of the organization.
  • The group or effort routinely communicates the mission statement to others.
  • The mission statement is referred to by the organization or group when making decisions.

Core Supports: