Supports Primary Community Tool Box Supports for this Process: Overview and Evidence Base Community Tool Box Toolkit: Developing a Framework or Model of Change Developing a Logic Model or Theory of Change 1. Convene key stakeholders to develop a logic model for the effort. Involve key stakeholders including representatives of the community who are affected by the problem or goal in developing framework or logic model components. Core Supports: Promoting Participation Among Diverse Groups Methods of Contacting Potential Participants Involving Key Influentials in the Initiative Involving People Most Affected by the Problem Building Teams: Broadening the Base for Leadership Identifying Targets and Agents of Change: Who Can Benefit and Who Can Help 2. Identify the intended uses for the logic model. The group has identified both internal & external audiences & uses for the logic model. The group has identified the appropriate scope or level(s) of the logic model. The group has developed a logic model or framework, a visual picture for how it will get from here (present conditions) to there (intended outcomes), at the appropriate level(s) consistent with its intended purpose or use. Core Supports: Other Models for Promoting Community Health and Development PRECEDE/PROCEED Introduction to Evaluation A Framework for Program Evaluation: A Gateway to Tools 3. Outline the key components of the logic model. The logic model includes the vision &/or mission statement established by the group. The framework includes a brief description of the context & conditions of the community or effort related to the problem & goal. The framework includes a description of key inputs accessible by the group. The logic model includes a description of activities or components of the project or intervention. The logic model includes a description of intended outputs of the activities or intervention components. The logic model includes outcomes or intended effects related to the objectives of the intervention or initiative. Core Supports: Our Model for Community Change and Improvement Our Evaluation Model: Evaluating Comprehensive Community Initiatives Other Models for Promoting Community Health and Development Introduction to Evaluation A Framework for Program Evaluation: A Gateway to Tools 4. Draw a picture of the logic mode or framework that visually displays relationships between activities, outputs, and intended outcomes. The logic model conveys the purpose & direction of the organization or effort. The logic model shows relationships & an expected time sequence of the components & elements of the logic model. The logic model shows connections between activities & effects over time. Core Supports: Our Model for Community Change and Improvement 5. Use the logic model to guide the work, making adaptations as appropriate. The group uses the logic model to communicate & convey the approach of the organization or effort for addressing the problem/goal. The group regularly reviews & updates the logic model(s) of the initiative or program. Core Supports: Our Model for Community Change and Improvement Our Evaluation Model: Evaluating Comprehensive Community Initiatives Introduction to Evaluation A Framework for Program Evaluation: A Gateway to Tools