Supports 1. Determine whether the initiative or activities should be sustained. The group has determined who makes decisions regarding sustainability of the initiative or its efforts. The group has determined the appropriate level of the initiative to be sustained. The group has determined if the initiative or the efforts of the initiative should be sustained. The group has determined the intended duration or the length of time that is appropriate for the initiative or effort to be sustained. The initiative has sufficient support (both internal and external) to maintain the initiative or the efforts of the initiative, if desired. There is sufficient commitment from the group to maintain the efforts of the initiative, if desired. Core Supports: Our Model for Community Change and Improvement Our Evaluation Model: Evaluating Comprehensive Community Initiatives Community Action Guide: A Framework for Addressing Community Goals and Problems Other Models for Promoting Community Health and Development Developing a Logic Model or Theory of Change 2. Assess the current situation for sustaining the initiative. The group has identified current or potential resources needed to sustain the initiative or its efforts. The group currently has sufficient human resources necessary to sustain the initiative or its efforts. The group currently has sufficient financial resources necessary to sustain the initiative or its efforts. The group assessed its activities and products, its benefits and competition. Core Supports: Assessing Community Needs and Resources Developing a Plan for Identifying Local Needs and Resources Qualitative Methods to Assess Community Issues Maintaining Quality Performance Achieving and Maintaining Quality Performance 3. Clarify the goals and context for sustaining the efforts of the initiative. The group has a clear mission and a common agenda to guide the sustainability of the initiative or its efforts. The group has assessed its progress in attaining its anticipated goals and objectives related to the mission of the initiative. The group has determined if the initiative’s current objective(s) need to be explored or changed to support the sustainability of the initiative or its efforts. The group has decided what aspects of the initiative or effort should be maintained or altered. The group has established written goals and objectives related to sustaining the initiative or its efforts. The group has determined the specific activities and services to be maintained by the initiative. The group has identified the target community or population to participate or benefit from the sustained efforts of the initiative. Core Supports: Improving Services Promoting Coordination, Cooperative Agreements, and Collaborative Agreements Among Agencies Principles of Advocacy Encouraging Involvement of Potential Opponents as Well as Allies Introduction to Evaluation A Framework for Program Evaluation: A Gateway to Tools Developing an Evaluation Plan Social Marketing of Successful Components of the Initiative Monitoring Progress and Making Adjustments in the Social Marketing Campaign 4. Develop a sustainability plan that includes what resources will be necessary and how they will be attained. The group has established specific short-term and long-term financial goals and a budget including all projected income and expenses. The group has identified specific and appropriate strategies to be used to sustain itself. The group has identified the current and potential basis and sources of resources including human and financial resources. Core Supports: Choosing Strategies to Promote Community Health and Development Coalition Building I: Starting a Coalition Getting Grants and Financial Resources Developing a Plan for Financial Sustainability Developing a Committee to Help with Financial Sustainability Planning for Long-Term Institutionalization Strategies for Sustaining the Initiative Marketing the Initiative to Secure Financial Support Sharing Positions and Other Resources Soliciting Contributions and In-kind Support 5. Implement an action plan for sustaining the initiative or its activities. The group has developed and implemented an action plan for each of the strategies and tactics chosen. Action plans were developed that identified the person responsible, a clear timeline, and resources needed for implementing the components of the sustainability plan. The group systematically documents the activities and results of efforts to secure and maintain resources. The group regularly reviews the results of implementation in reaching its short and long-term goals for sustainability. The group has developed relationships and networks with potential partners including funders that may be interested in supporting the efforts of the initiative. Core Supports: Developing a Strategic Plan An Overview of Strategic Planning or “VMOSA” (Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies, and Action Plans) Developing an Action Plan Orienting Ideas in Leadership Developing a Plan for Building Leadership Changing Policies Changing Policies to Increase Funding for Community Health and Development Initiatives Maintaining Quality Performance